Canadian criminal justice system 2023 Best
Course Learning Requirements: CLR 1 – Identify the role and function of the major components of the Canadian criminal justice system CLR 4 – Demonstrate the manner in which the criminal justice system components relate and interact with each other
Canadian criminal justice system
ASSIGNMENT #1: COURT PAPER (15%) This assignment relates to the following Course Learning Requirements: CLR 1 – Identify the role and function of the major components of the Canadian criminal justice system CLR 4 – Demonstrate the manner in which the criminal justice system components relate and interact with each other OBJECTIVE OF THIS ASSIGNMENT: The purpose of this assignment is to apply your understanding of the criminal justice process (your online Lessons 1,5,6, and 7) to your observation of an actual criminal case before the courts. COLLABORATION: A student may team up with 1 (one) other student to complete this assignment.
Canadian criminal justice system
If you collaborate with another student, BOTH students MUST attend the court proceeding you are writing about. Only one submission is made, with both your names on the submission. Collaboration is entirely voluntary on your part; both students will receive the same mark for the assignment. If collaborating on an assignment, you MUST include a one-(double-spaced) page Appendix to your paper which describes how you collaborated equally, and both reviewed and approved all sections of your paper. A student is permitted to collaborate on only one assignment during this course.
Canadian criminal justice system
NOTE: If you have been granted the opportunity for an enhanced value on this assignment (i.e., worth more than 15%), you may NOT collaborate with another student on this assignment. Instructions: WHERE TO GO: You are required to visit an adult criminal court. Civil cases and family court cases are often located in the same Court building. Check with reception/court dockets to ensure that you are attending a criminal court dealing with adults. If you do not know where your local court is located, go to: .
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