Energy- Argumentative Writing

Energy- Argumentative Writing

Comp 120: Research and Writing – Essay 3 Assignment Sheet Purpose. This essay requires you to investigate a topic, develop a well-informed position on the topic eg energy. Consequently collect and evaluate evidence for your position, and anticipate/manage counterarguments. In this essay cycle, we’ll concentrate on how to use the formal structures of argumentative writing on a topic in a concise manner. Also remember that you are building on the skills you introduce in essays 1 and 2. So, once again, you will critically engage with the research material to support your argument.

And, because arguments are won based on logic and well-presented information, you’ll have to carefully consider how to structure your points to the greatest effect. Sources: 3-5 sources. Requirements: 4-6 pages for first draft and final draft. Must be typed in MLA format (refer to your textbook’s handbook at the back). You  will  also submit a final electronic copy to SafeAssign and on Blackboard.

Further Description

Must be an original argument, which begins from inquiry (it should be plain from your thesis what your original question was). Topic: Broadly speaking, the environment, energy and the natural world. Anything from Energy to Climate Change to politics to Natural and Built Environments to Population density are all fair topics. Thesis: Should address one of the ideas raised in articles included in the textbook about our relationships with animals, the implications of biodiversity loss for pharmaceutical development, and the ultimate in tiny house living. Refine your argument to an issue that you adequately address in 4-6 pages. Helpful Tip: You should  also spend some time brainstorming and writing about this issue from multiple perspectives.

The most important questions are complex. So you must honor the complexity of your subject in order to succeed as an academic writer. Including opposing viewpoints in with your argument and disagreeing with them using facts makes for a stronger argument and a better essay.

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