Controlling the cost of Medicare 2023 Best
Select a policy issue or program that you consider to be especially important for older adults (e.g. controlling the cost of Medicare, providing more assistance for in-home care, for or against raising the age of Social Security eligibility , applying the Social Security tax to all wage and salary income).
Controlling the cost of Medicare
Select a policy issue or program that you consider to be especially important for older adults (e.g. controlling the cost of Medicare, providing more assistance for in-home care, for or against raising the age of Social Security eligibility , applying the Social Security tax to all wage and salary income). Briefly describe the issue, current policies and legislation, and any proposed changes. Explain your position regarding the policy or program. Then summarize the position that one of your legislative members has taken about the issue, policy, or program. If, after researching, you cannot find your legislator’s position, contact your legislator’s office and ask what his/her position is on this topic.
Controlling the cost of Medicare
Make sure that you clearly identify the legislator by name and position and cite all reference sources using APA style. Once you have posted your position paper, substantively comment on at least two of your classmates’ position papers. Please remember to use facts and information in your responses and not rely solely on opinion.
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