CSHP-Coordinated School Health Programs

Coordinated School Health Programs

In this assignment, you will discuss the strengths associated with Coordinated School Health Programs (CSHP) and where they can be best utilized. Go to Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance—United States, 2013 (YRBS) to examine the CDC’s 2013 data regarding youth risk behavior. In the Results section of the abstract on page 1 of the document. You will see the following information. “During the 30 days before the survey, 41.4% of high school students nationwide among the 64.7% . Who drove a car or other vehicle during the 30 days before the survey had texted or e-mailed while driving. 34.9% had drunk alcohol, and 23.4% had used marijuana.” As mentioned last week and in this week’s Assignment 1, epidemiology data plays a huge role in knowing where to focus public health efforts. Documents like the YRBS are full of data that can help public health professionals identify the areas of most need.

If you were a public health professional and were going to focus an aspect of your CSHP efforts in one direction. You might use the data in the sentence above to determine that texting while driving is a serious health concern. Your task for this assignment is to choose one of the following topics discussed on pages 5–29 of the YRBS. Unsafe driving behaviours (texting, drinking while driving, etc.) .School violence/bullying Mental health Tobacco use Alcohol use Drug use (marijuana, cocaine, inhalants, etc.) .Sexual behaviours (multiple partners, condom use, etc.). Answer the following questions on an aspect of your chosen topic. What is the personal reason you chose your topic and subtopic?. Finally what does the data show regarding this health issue?.

Further Description

That is, what percentage of youth engaged in the behaviour, and what can you hypothesize regarding why it is reported as improving or worsening? Is this health issue focused primarily on one area of the United States, or is it a problem everywhere? (Answering this question will require additional research.) On which state and, more narrowing, which county will you focus your efforts? From the perspective of a CSHP leader: What areas of your CSHP would you like to touch upon to make your approach to this health issue as comprehensive as possible (e.g., classroom, P.E., after-school programs, cafeteria, administration, etc.)?

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