Developing Emotional Intelligence 2022 Best

Week 5: Self-Knowledge as a Powerful Leadership Tool Theme 1: Developing Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ), Cultural Intelligence Quotient (CQ), Communication Skills, and a Moral Compass Leadership can occur on all levels within an organization.

Developing Emotional Intelligence

Week 5: Self-Knowledge as a Powerful Leadership Tool Theme 1: Developing Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ), Cultural Intelligence Quotient (CQ), Communication Skills, and a Moral Compass Leadership can occur on all levels within an organization. This week we have a few truths to remember as we explore relationship-building to create a competitive advantage. Motivation and empowerment are two words that you have heard throughout your business education. Managers motivate, and leaders empower. The lines are blurring at Life Science Nutraceuticals, Inc. (LSN). Managers give decision-making authority to team leaders and team members to get the work done.

Developing Emotional Intelligence

At LSN, all employees can be leaders. Leaders at all levels need to develop a soft skill set to help build relationships. Good relationship building gets at the heart of the relationship between leader and follower, resulting in trust, respect, and expertise. This week our discussion will focus on the skills needed as an individual leader to create and maintain relationships within LSN. Intuitively, the best leaders are intelligent. We also know that well-rounded leaders are also Emotionally Intelligent (EQ), have advanced communication skills, and a strong moral compass. Moreover, cultural IQ runs parallel to Emotional IQ.

Developing Emotional Intelligence

Leaders must be knowledgeable about cultural diversity and understand the nuances of people’s behavior within the context of the local culture. Read and View: Personality, Leadership, and Emotional Intelligence How Implicit Personality Affects Leadership What is emotional intelligence? Interview of Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence Social Intelligence and Leadership Personality and Leadership Personality and creating your Leadership style Critical Leadership Skills: Key Traits That Can Make or Break Today’s Leaders Theme 2: Creating your own leadership energy starts with knowing who you are as a person.

Developing Emotional Intelligence

Understanding how people’s personalities, emotions, and morality influence relationships and communicate that understanding to others allows the leader to use his or her most important resource, people, to the company’s best advantage. Change cannot occur at LSN or within any organization if people do not trust it. Like the earlier example of Robbins at Plastic Lumber Company, the laissez-faire leadership style gave the impression to floor workers that Robbins was weak, confused, and, therefore, not deserving of respect. Employees at Plastic Lumber Company would not follow someone who seemingly was not worth following.

Developing Emotional Intelligence

A key step in building relationships that influence others to follow is for the leader to understand who he or she is and what is expected of the people who are expected to follow. Before you can build relationships with others, it is important to reflect upon the personal skills you bring to the table. Knowing your leadership style is a start, but using assessment tools and feedback from others will help define the extent to which you possess a personal “soft” skill set equal to the task of leading. Also, you will gain insight into how others perceive you and how you perceive others.

Developing Emotional Intelligence

The former skill helps the leader better sell his or her “vision” and implement change, while the latter skillset helps align and design the organization for greater effectiveness. Take the following Self-Assessment Tests. Record the results for use in this week’s assignment. Jung Personality Typology Test Communication Skills Self-Assessment Inventory Self Esteem Test Know Your Top 5 Strengths Leadership Style Test Cultural Intelligence Test Emotional Intelligence Test (A technical issue may occur in which the web page cannot be viewed when accessed from a direct link.

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