Discrimination and prejudice. 2023 Best
This paper explores discrimination and prejudice. To complete the paper, you will watch the entire film of ‘A Class Divided.’ This is a famous experiment run by Jane Elliott after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr that examines the impact of discrimination and prejudice.
Discrimination and prejudice.
For this assignment, you will be writing at least a one page paper. You will need to use APA formatting for the style of the paper and also work to include in-text citations for the book. Please include a title page and reference page. Helpful information on APA is over in the APA module (go to modules page and scroll down). To complete the paper, you will watch the entire film of ‘A Class Divided.’ This is a famous experiment run by Jane Elliott after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr that examines the impact of discrimination and prejudice. The film is 53 minutes long.
Discrimination and prejudice.
A Class Divided (full film) | FRONTLINE After watching, in at least one page, please consider the following questions: General Reactions (at least one of these should be answered) What did you learn? What scene or scenes do you think you’ll still remember a month from now and why those scenes? Did any part of the film surprise you? Do you think someone of a different race, ethnicity, or religion would also find it surprising? Impact of Discrimination (please answer at least two of these, connect to book) What did the children’s body language indicate about the impact of discrimination?
Discrimination and prejudice.
How did the negative and positive labels placed on a group become self-fulfilling prophecies? In the prison seminar, one of the white women asserts that all people face some kind of discrimination. Another woman challenges her, claiming that white people can’t really know what it’s like to face discrimination every minute of every day. What do you think? Both Elliott and her former students talk about whether or not this exercise should be done with all children. What do you think? If the exercise could be harmful to children, as Elliott suggests, what do you think actual discrimination might do?
Discrimination and prejudice.
Rubric A Class Divided Reflection A Class Divided Reflection Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome General Reactions 10 pts Accomplished You clearly reflected on documentary’s intended and unintended messaging and answered at least one question fully from the ‘General Reactions’ section. Proficient/Good You connected information from our textbook to the documentary but could have used just a little more detail to clearly connect. 4 pts Developing While you provided some general reactions, it wasn’t specific enough to the documentary to clearly demonstrate an understanding of the film. 0 pts No Marks
Discrimination and prejudice.
This section was missing or did not follow the directions as outlined. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Impact of Discrimination 20 pts Full Marks You clearly reflected on documentary’s intended and unintended messaging and answered at least two questions fully, supported by the textbook, from the ‘Impact of Discrimination’ section. Proficient/Good You connected information from our textbook to the documentary by answering two questions. but could have used just a little more detail to clearly connect. 8 pts Developing While you summarized the content and reflected, this was not clearly linked to our information from the textbook on discrimination/social psychology
Discrimination and prejudice.
. You were supposed to answer two questions from the ‘Discrimination’ section. 0 pts No Marks This section was missing or did not follow the directions as outlined. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing Mechanics 10 pts Accomplished No more than one or two minor errors in either grammar, punctuation/capitalization, or spelling. Paper was at least one full page of content. 6 pts Proficient/Good 2-4 minor errors noted. Be sure to read your paper out loud or use some of the resources available to help support your writing skills. https://youtu.be/ug2FXcEurOo
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