Institutional Discrimination 2023 Best

This is an analysis of interpersonal and Institutional Discrimination. Paper Guidelines Instructions Carefully review the overall Research Project Instructions provided in Moodle before beginning this assignment.

Interpersonal and Institutional Discrimination

Analyzing Interpersonal and Institutional Discrimination. Paper Guidelines Instructions Carefully review the overall Research Project Instructions provided in Moodle before beginning this assignment. This assignment requires you to write three short essays on your assigned topic, using the resources provided to you (see Research Project Instructions for details). You will post these essays to the Moodle discussion forum below. Then, you will read at least one classmate’s response and provide constructive feedback. I strongly recommend you write your response in a separate document (such as MS Word), so that you can carefully edit and save your work as you go.

Interpersonal and Institutional Discrimination

Once your response is complete, you can copy/paste your response into the Discussion Forum or attach the document to your forum post. Please put all three essays into a single document (and single forum post). Identify your topic in the name of your document/forum post. For ease of reading, please copy/paste the question at the top of each essay. Essay Prompts Drawing on all the provided resources for your topic, answer the following questions. Each response should be approximately 200-300 words long. They should be carefully written, edited and proofread. Each response should also include references to key ideas, statistics, and/or claims made in the source material.

Interpersonal and Institutional Discrimination

That can be direct quotes, or it can be paraphrases. For questions 1 and 2, you don’t need to use ALL the sources, but you do need to use at least one. For question 3, you do need to include examples from all sources provided. You may also bring in concepts, facts, or claims from the textbook if you find them useful. You are not expected to find your own sources for this assignment (though you may if you wish.) You must include correctly formatted in-text citations and a bibliography for all sources used. 1. Outline the form of discrimination you learned about. What social factors does it stem from (what causes/influences it)?

Interpersonal and Institutional Discrimination

2. Apply two concepts we’ve learned about in class thus far (i.e. the process of distinction, labeling, ideologies, stratification, structural violence, or any other relevant concept) to make sense of the behaviors and attitudes of discriminatory people regarding the form of discrimination you chose. 3. Differentiate between interpersonal and institutional forms of discrimination. Explain how both forms of discrimination exist in relation to the topic of your research. Using evidence from all sources provided to you, give specific examples of each type of discrimination.

Citing Sources Please carefully review the instructions for citing sources and writing a bibliography that can be found in the Research Instructions & Citation Guide folder.

Interpersonal and Institutional Discrimination

In particular, the “General Guide” to Citing Sources explains the difference between “in text citations” and “bibliography” entries. It is very important that you understand the relationship between the two. You will need to have BOTH in-text citations AND bibliography entries to receive full credit on your assignment. Don’t hesitate to ask your instructor or make a (virtual or in person) appointment at the Writing Lab for help! Grading Guide The assignment is worth a total of 100 points: Up to 25 Points for each question. Answers should:  Address all parts of the prompt  Make clear, evidence-based claims.

Interpersonal and Institutional Discrimination

Demonstrate a clear understanding of key course concepts  Draw on evidence from provided sources  Be edited and proofread – using correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation for an academic writing assignment at the college level. Up to 15 points for citations and bibliography: • In-text citations are present and correctly formatted • A bibliography is present and complete • Each provided source is used in at least two of the three answers Up to 10 points for a response to a classmate that provides constructive feedback.

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