International human rights law 2022 Best
This paper explores international human rights law, more specifically, the application of various international human rights instruments as it pertains to discrimination against persons, and thereby the treatment of those persons under law, on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
International human rights law
Case Study Outline Chosen Topic – International human rights law, more specifically, the application of various international human rights instruments as it pertains to discrimination against persons, and thereby the treatment of those persons under law, on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identity. I. Introduction to Case: Toonen v. Australia; United Nations Human Rights Committee a. Brief Summary of Case i. Plaintiff’s allegations and reasons for filing complaint with the HRC (i.e: background, context, etc) ii. Issues raised and relevant instruments and/or case law relied upon by the Committee to reach their ruling.
International human rights law
iii. Result of the complaint – was it in favor of the Plaintiff or the Defendant. II. Discussion of Issues/Rights (Allegedly) Breached/Case Law: a. Right to be respected without regard for race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status. (Art. 2, p. 1, ICCPR) b. Right to privacy/arbitrary interference. (Art. 17, ICCPR) c. Right to equality before the law. (Art. 26, ICCPR) d. Dudgeon vs. United Kingdom. e. Norris vs. Ireland. f. Modinos vs. Cyprus. g. Bhinder vs. Canada.
International human rights law
III. Implications and Real World Effects a. Implications and real world effects of the ruling in Toonen v. Australia (as well as the other cases cited) and its significance to the chosen topic. b. Discussion on the various rights the Committee and the other cases validated and upheld. IV. Conclusion a. Recap synopsis of case b. Summarize the various rights at play in the case and in this context of international law c. Provide further areas for improvement and/or advancement in the context of international law as it relates to the chosen topic. Sources to be used: 1. Cases cited above 2. European Court on Human Rights case law/website.
International human rights law
3. United Nations Human Rights Committee publications, reports, and cases. 4. ICCPR, UDHR, and other international human rights instruments. 5. American and or other national jurisprudence/case law as it relates to the concept of human rights and the rights referred to in the cases mentioned in the outline above, especially when said case law derives its conclusions from international legal precedence or instruments. 6. Class textbook, lectures, and slides. 7. News and media articles (NYT, Foreign Affairs, etc). 8. Academic journals and other peer reviewed materials.
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