Literature Review- Mental ill Population
Literature Review- Mental ill Population
Literature Review – Due Tuesday April 6th @ 9 am (30 %). Selection of Topic You will use a total of 8-10 academic sources (maximum of two from the course material). These sources will be sociological, criminological or socio-legal in origin. You are not to use any psychological or practitioner journals(such as Criminal Behavior or Corrections Today). You may use Government policies or agency reports to provide more context to your literature review. But these will not be considered part of your 8-10 sources. Please use ASA citations and reference page. The literature review is an entry point into a topic you find interesting to give you a basis for developing your own line of inquiry. The lit review shows that you know the material that has come before. And it also will situate how what you are interested in exploring is relevant to a given body of literature.
In effect, you are trying to demonstrate not only that you are an expert of a given field but also attempt to expand the knowledge of a given field. TOPIC – How does mental illness affect the homeless population of Indigenous people in Canada, and what supports are available for these people? Assignment Components 1. Can you find the relevant literature? This means you cannot simply google your topic and take the top few hits. Once you have a narrow topic, select the 8-10 sources you will use. Not all sources are created equally (subtext: do not simply go for the shortest articles). 2. Can you analyze the information that you are reading? Do you understand the relevance of the study/argument and how it is important to your area of inquiry. 3. Can you synthesize the material and organize the readings into a cohesive whole?.
Further Description
You cannot do a literature review that blindly summarizes 10 articles back-to-back. A literature review not only demonstrates that you have engaged with the articles (as in #2 above) but also that you have engaged in a body of knowledge. 4. Can you develop future research directions? Near the end of your lit review, you will pose 2 research question or future lines of research and a justification of why they are interesting. This line of inquiry MUST be related to what you have done in the literature review (i.e. it can’t be coming out of left field for the reader). Think about the gaps that emerged throughout your analysis of research and the synthesis of the material.
Specifications • 7-8 pages. • You must use a reference page of your sources (including the maximum 2 from the course) You must use ASA style of referencing and in-text citation. • Near the end of your lit review, you will pose 2 research question or future lines of research and a justification of why they are interesting. This line of inquiry MUST be related to what you have done in the literature review Some Tips: 1. Conduct searches through necessary databases (avoid psychological journals) and get a sense of the material that is out there on your topic.
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