Maximus and Commodus 2022 Best

The aim of this paper is to compare first and foremost: has Maximus and Commodus (son of Emperor Marcus Aurelius and future emperor himself): this is an almost total opposition in every way (power over others based on respect, admiration, love vs. power based on fear, etc.)

Maximus and Commodus

You should compare first and foremost: has Maximus and Commodus (son of Emperor Marcus Aurelius and future emperor himself): this is an almost total opposition in every way (power over others based on respect, admiration, love vs. power based on fear, etc.); b. Maximus and Lucilla (daughter of Marcus Aurelius and sister of Commodus), a rather contrasting comparison, but nevertheless more nuanced; c. Maximus and Proximo, owner of gladiator slaves, etc. (13)

Maximus and Commodus

Pay attention to the fact that some scenes or episodes are more important than others in terms of the “message” of the film: • e.g. at the beginning, the conversation between Marcus Aurelius and Maximus, or the conversation between Lucilla and Maximum when the latter is in prison. (“Maximus”, Latin name meaning “the greatest”). ) Be attentive to changes in attitude (inner disposition) in Maximus: a. as General of the Army b. then, as a slave, etc.

Maximus and Commodus

Pay attention to both the public and private dimensions of Maximus’ life (especially as husband and father) and their connection to the doctrine of Epictetus. (17) Despite the many overlaps between the story of Maximus and the doctrine of Epictetus, also show the few important differences between the two, that is, attitudes and behavior that contradict what Epictetus says.

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