Environmental Law and Medical Law- LLB Essay
Medical Law or Environmental Law
Hi, the prompt is for medical law or environmental law actually is published now, which do you think you can write a UK specific first class (70%+ – similar to high A standard) law LLB essay in?? (Absolutely no plagiarism, original research and creative input, and first class 70%+ mark or around that mark required!!!) The 4 prompts are… – ‘The legalisation of abortion in Britain significantly reduced the risks associated with unsafe abortion. The vast majority of women are now able to access funded abortion. Care provided by skilled providers working in regulated environment. However, many of the requirements of the Abortion Act 1967 conflict with modern conceptions of healthcare and medical ethics. And interfere with the application of evidence to permit best practice. In Patricia A. Lohr, Jonathan Lord and finally Sam Rowlands.
How would decriminalisation affect women’s health?’ in Sally Sheldon and Kaye Wellings (eds.). Decriminalising Abortion in the UK: What Would it Mean? (Policy Press, 2020), 43. Critically assess the extent to which the requirements of the Abortion Act 1967 have presented an obstacle to abortion care during COVID-19. Gone are the days when it was thought that, on becoming pregnant, a woman lost, not only her capacity, but also her right to act as a genuinely autonomous human being.’ In Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] UKSC 11, para 116 per Baroness Hale Critically discuss Baroness Hale’s statement with reference to the law and to policy decisions made by NHS Trusts in response to COVID-19.
In Summary
The international law on climate change supports the scientific finding that a causal link exists between greenhouse gas emissions and adverse impacts of climate change. However the Paris Agreement does not prescribe how states should achieve the temperature goal. Critically discuss, making reference to the Paris Agreement and the case law. – ‘Climate Change should not be a “no-go” area for courts.’ In addition critically discuss, making reference to either the case law on reviewing national climate targets or making reference to the case law on national planning decisions for large infrastructure projects.
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