Mental health among college students. 2023 Best
This paper explores mental health among college students. Depression, stress, and anxiety are the top three mental health complaints of college students. Untreated, these issues impact the physical and emotional health of those who suffer and can also prevent student sufferers from succeeding and persisting on to graduation.
Mental health among college students.
Mental health disorders that may impact a college student’s success. Depression, stress, and anxiety are the top three mental health complaints of college students. Untreated, these issues impact the physical and emotional health of those who suffer and can also prevent student sufferers from succeeding and persisting on to graduation. This final project assignment will provide you with an opportunity to study three of the most common mental health complaints in great detail and demonstrate how research on a particular topic links to therapy, treatments, and life outcomes.
Mental health among college students.
Your assignment submission should include: Your paper must include at least six sources. These sources should consist of at least two government sites where you will find statistics. At least three other sources should be from empirical journal articles. The final source could be from a newspaper or internet source. Your paper should be typewritten in APA format with a title and reference page. Avoid plagiarism and ensure that you use proper in-text citations giving credit to your sources and that you also paraphrase and summarize correctly.• Your sources should not be older than 2017 (In other words, do not use sources from 2016 or before).
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