Portfolio – Digital Freight Networks (DFN) Vs. Traditional Models of Shipping
Portfolio- Digital Freight Networks (DFN) Vs. Traditional Models of Shipping
Guidelines This portfolio is a research-based assignment. You will need to consult scholarly and peer-reviewed books, newspapers, magazines, documentaries, podcasts. And/or academic journals to come up with a meaningful response to the issues raised by your topic. Further you should use the skills from the critical response essay to respond to arguments and analysis found in your scholarly sources. Consequently you will need to use at least four sources and these sources. They can be multimodal in nature (articles, podcasts, videos, etc.). You must use APA or MLA to properly reference your sources. What does the portfolio look like?. The benefit of this assignment is that it allows you to be creative in the way you present your final work. Your portfolio can be done in Word where you have different headers. consequently your portfolio can also be done in One Note where you have different sections highlighting different resources.
Your portfolio can also include a combination of modalities. Maybe you want to add a few minutes of audio to your portfolio. You can definitely do this as long as you provide a written transcript of what the audio provides. The only mandatory sections to the portfolio are Introduction . Where you introduce what your portfolio is about). Conclusion (where you summarize what you have provided in the portfolio), and References (in MLA or APA style). We will also have work time in class in relation to this assignment so feel free to ask questions as you work on this. You can choose to think of it as a report but the difference being you are not simply presenting information you are persuading your readers about your specific research question and you can incorporate multimodal aspects which is rarely found in a business report.
Further Description
Steps to Completing this Assignment Step One: Decide on Your Research Topic and Question I suggest picking a topic that is related to your field of study and something of personal interest. By picking a topic related to your field of study you will be able learn more about your program, but you will also find resources that will be useful for you in your continuing work and studies. You always want to try to make your schoolwork and assignments as authentic to your experience and positionality as possible. Therefore, some topics you may wish to consider are questions related to: · Human Resources · Marketing · Accounting · Business · Supply chain
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