Peer Pressures- Affects on Teens and Crime

Peer Pressures Affects on Teens and Crime

Research Proposal

Instructions:  1. Firstly open your previously completed Developing a Research Proposal #4: Research Proposal Title Page & Headings Assignment. 2. Secondly under the Introduction heading:  Write an introduction which states the issue being addressed and the purpose of the research study. Consequently rewrite you research question as a statemtent. For example, if your question is “Does Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) reduce the rate of  excessive-use-of-force incidents in policing when responding to individuals with mental disorders?”, then you would write, “This study will investigate the effectiveness of Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) in reducing excessive-use-of-force incidents in policing when responding to individuals with mental disorders.”  CITE YOUR SOURCES in APA format for all claims you make.

The introduction can be anywhere from one full paragraph up to a page. Therefore it should not be longer than a page.   3. Additionally under the Literature Review heading: Use your annotated bibliographies to create a narrative of the research on this topic. At least six scholarly sources This includes the four scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles used for your annotated bibliographies, so you will need to include two additional scholarly sources. CITE YOUR SOURCES in APA format. 4. Under the Hypothesis heading: State and explain your hypothesis. Refer to your hypothesis in the Developing a Research Proposal #2: Research Proposal Question & Hypothesis assignment. For example, “The hypothesis of this study is that rates of excessive-use-of -force in response to individuals with mental disorders will decrease after police departments implement Crisis Intervention Training.”

Further Description

  Refer to the studies in your Literature Review to explain you r hypothesis. This section will be approximately one paragraph. 5. Under the Research Design heading: Use the Developing a Research Proposal #7: Research Design assignment to describe the research design you will be using. Fully explain your reasoning for using this design. If you are using an experiment, remember to explain what will happen with the treatment and control groups, and what comparisons will be made. 6. Under the Sample & Data Collection heading: Use the Developing a Research Proposal #6: The Sample assignment to describe what type of sample your study will use. Explain how the sample will be chosen. Explain how you will collect the data for your study (Surveys, tests, intensive interviewing, etc.) 7. Under the Measures heading: Further describe your independent and dependent variables.

  Refer to the Developing a Research Proposal #5: Variables & Indicators assignment. 8. Under the Potential Concerns heading: Address issues of measurement validity, generalizability, causal and validity, and if you are conducting qualitative research address authenticity. Design Considerations Explain the potential shortcomings of the research design you have chosen. (For example, an experimental design may not be very generalizable.) Sampling Considerations Explain the potential shortcomings of the sampling method you have chosen. For example, if you are sampling inmates at Missouri correctional facilities, your finding may not be generalizable to all inmates nationwide. 9. Under the References heading: List all your references in APA fromat in alphebetical order. Make sure to use the smae font throughout your references.  Remember that your references section does NOT count toward the the required page count for this paper.

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