Summary of an informational interview. 2023 Best
Midterm Paper involves writing a summary of an informational interview. Interview assignment: Schedule and conduct 2 separate interviews with staff members who either do not work in your department or you do not have regular contact with. Think about – who in the organization has a job that interests you?
Summary of an informational interview.
Midterm Paper – Interview assignment: Schedule and conduct 2 separate interviews with staff members who either do not work in your department or you do not have regular contact with. Think about – who in the organization has a job that interests you? Ask them questions regarding their job description, their responsibilities, how they came to that position, what training and/or education was needed for the job, their previous experience in the field, and the direction they see their position going in the future with this organization (or beyond). Write a 2 – 3 page paper summarizing your interview. (You are writing two papers! One for each internship if you have two.)
Summary of an informational interview.
The paper should reflect your thoughts and opinions following the conversation, consider the information they disclosed and how this assignment affects your attitude towards your internship. . Research companies (and jobs!) on LinkedIn or elsewhere, and see if you can set up an informational interview with someone whose career or current position interests you. Ask your internship supervisor for advice/guidance! Perhaps they can make an introduction. 2 pages each (2 separate interviews so 4 page total) , 12 point font, double-spaced.
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