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Rhetoric in Martin Luther King Speech 2022 Best

This paper examines the use of Dramatistic Rhetoric in Martin Luther King Speech “I Have A Dream”. Instructions: Using Kenneth Burke’s The Seven Moments of Dramatism and Vocabulary of Motives (Pentad: Act, Scene, Agent, Agency an Purpose) write a 7-10 page paper (inclusive of the cover page and works cited page) that analyzes dramatistically the Rhetoric of Redemption

Rhetoric in Martin Luther King Speech

Final Term Paper Instructions: Using Kenneth Burke’s The Seven Moments of Dramatism and Vocabulary of Motives (Pentad: Act, Scene, Agent, Agency an Purpose) write a 7-10 page paper (inclusive of the cover page and works cited page) that analyzes dramatistically the Rhetoric of Redemption: A Development of Kenneth Burke’s Theory of Guilt-Purification-Redemption and its Application to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. General Rubric: Form: (30%) The paper should provide a brief introduction, the body that addresses either the seven moments (or collapses the seven into three acts) and a clear conclusion.

Rhetoric in Martin Luther King Speech

The paper should use 12 pt. new times roman font, double-spaced with standard margins and a cover page. It should use APA in-text style of documentation, and include a works cited page. Content: (70%). The essay must employ Burke’s Dramatism as it critical method and briefly discuss Burke’s seven moments, citing at least three of our readings, as they relate to the text being analyzed. Do not write overly long descriptions of text itself, but rather in the analysis of those events/actions.

Rhetoric in Martin Luther King Speech

I have envisioned this to be a true “term” paper, and so papers should make use of many of our readings. You must also include and cite at least three of the readings from the course. YOU MUST USE THREE OF THE ATTCHED RESEARCH RESINGS AND DOCS AND YOU MAY INCORPORTE OUTSIDE SOURCES, TOO. ZAND YOU MUST REFERENCE KING’S SPEECH. https://youtu.be/oYMFr3bvsS0

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