Tag Archives: Architects

Eighteenth century visionary designers. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore one or two buildings by these eighteenth century visionary designers. In the cases of Lequeu and Boullée, most of their designed structures were never built.

Eighteenth century visionary designers.

Paying Attention to What Visionaries and Dreamers See Three Visionaries: § Étienne-Louis Boullée § Claude-Nicholas LeDoux § Jean-Jacques Lequeu. Choose one or two buildings by these eighteenth century visionary designers. In the cases of Lequeu and Boullée, most of their designed structures were never built. You are free to choose one of those. Research past scholarship on your chosen designer(s) and, in addition, find at least one article that discusses your particular buildings. The paper is a discussion of these three wild visionary designers and how they fit into the context of Modernism.

Eighteenth century visionary designers.

Examine their works closely and try to find clues about why they were so influential to architects and designers, even one and two hundred years later. For example, an architect who worked in the office of the famous modernist Marcel Breuer wrote that, “The works of the three French visionaries was something we referenced all the time”. At first glance, these works may seem strange, and you can be very sure, they seemed even stranger to people of the eighteenth century. But these caught the imagination of the public and of architects right away. Why?

Eighteenth century visionary designers.

Focus in on a couple buildings (they don’t have to be by the same man), learn what you can from the exquisite renderings (or the real buildings in LeDoux’s case), learn what others have to say about them, and then tell me your own thoughts. An outline is due by midnight on the date noted in Module 4 for “Submission of Outline”. Your outline needs to be in standard outline format and must include an introductory paragraph that lays out your thesis. If you are not familiar with outline format, consult the MLA Handbook (see below). An outline does not have a conclusion. Please do not put one in.

Eighteenth century visionary designers.

If you are not sure about your approach, your choices, please send me questions and I will reply. The final paper is due at midnight of the date noted in Module 9 “Research Paper Submission”. This is a research paper. You are expected to read what others have written about your designer(s), their work and about their place in the history of design. Quotations are expected and required and should be used to illustrate your point of view or contrast with it. By the way, there are many books on reserve in the NYSID Library on the subject of the three visionaries. Please make use of this amazing resource.

Eighteenth century visionary designers.

The paper must include the following: · An introductory paragraph. This one single paragraph needs to state your topic and give some information about how you will approach it. · Your designer’s biographical information. It should not exceed half a page. Do not just copy this out of some source, write your own synthesis of your research. · The first time a designer, artist, craftsman or historical figure is mentioned in your paper their name must be followed, in parentheses, by their birth and death years. · You must provide citations for all facts and quotations presented. Papers without citations will be graded down.https://youtu.be/FXVjZ8AhvTc

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Baroque art and architecture. 2022 Best

This paper explores baroque art and architecture. The chapel to focus on is the Cornaro Chapel in the church of S. Maria della Vittoria in Rome, a wonderful example of an ensemble of sculpture and architecture from the Baroque period.

Baroque art and architecture.

VIS 122B Baroque: Painters, Sculptors, Architects Length: 3 pages, typewritten, double-spaced (please number the pages and do not forget to put your name on the first page). Please upload your paper to the class website on Canvas under the Assignment tab, First Paper Assignment. A visit to a Bernini chapel.  In a certain sense, a picture – especially a panel or easel painting — is easier to analyze than a work of architecture or sculpture because everything is on the same plane: you do not have to twist and turn around in space to see it. But you have to move around, at least in your mind’s eye, in order to understand what is going on in a building or with a sculpture.

Baroque art and architecture.

This is precisely the issue I would like you to consider in this paper. What I would like you to focus on is the Cornaro Chapel in the church of S. Maria della Vittoria in Rome, a wonderful example of an ensemble of sculpture and architecture from the Baroque period. The chapel was designed and decorated by Gianlorenzo Bernini. Bernini is considered by many to be the greatest sculptor of the Baroque and the Cornaro Chapel, to be his greatest work. Above the altar, the chapel has a sculpture showing St. Teresa of Avila and an angel. There are sculpted figures in panels on the side walls and the whole is richly ornamented with colored marbles and stuccoes.

Baroque art and architecture.

I have put a number of images of the chapel in a ppt on TED, labeled Second Paper Slides, for you to consult. The images show the walls of the chapel from different angles and there are also many close-up details of the sculptures and decorations. Use the images to study the sculptures and the space. What I would like you to do is to concentrate on the three walls of the chapel and to describe and analyze how they relate to one another. I would suggest you begin by looking carefully at the figures on the three walls. What do they appear to be doing? Do they relate to one another across the space of the chapel?

Baroque art and architecture.

What about the dress, attitude and placement of figures and their gestures and expressions? What about the lighting in the chapel? Is there a window to the outside? If so, where is it placed? What effect does the lighting have on the sculpture? What role does the color (or lack thereof) of the various materials – marbles, stucco, paint — play here? These are suggested points and you do not have to consider every one of them, only the ones you see as important. https://youtu.be/XAUfxFkWm_0

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