Tag Archives: cognitive science

Knowlton study experiment. 2022 Best

This paper explores the Knowlton study experiment. Paper details: 1. Background and Motivation (1.5 pages double spaced, 12pt font) This is, essentially, an introduction. In this section you want to identify a general question or issue in cognitive science and a more focused, but related, question that your experiment addresses.

Knowlton study experiment.

Paper details: 1. Background and Motivation (1.5 pages double spaced, 12pt font) This is, essentially, an introduction. In this section you want to identify a general question or issue in cognitive science and a more focused, but related, question that your experiment addresses. You can think of these as identifying a general phenomenon of interest and a specific instance of that phenomenon that you hope to shed light on with your experiment. Be sure to explain the relationship between the general question/issue and the more focused question your experiment addresses. You should also situate the experiment with respect to the Knowlton et al. (2021) study.

Knowlton study experiment.

Provide a description of what you expect given the hypothesis based on Knowlton et al’s findings. 2.Conclusion/Discussion (1.5 pages, double spaced) This section is basically a backwards walk through your first section, in light of your results. Tell us whether or not the results do support the findings of Knowlton et al., and what that means with respect to both the focused question and the general issue you identified in section 1. This would also be the place to offer any hypotheses about why your results were what they were – especially if they were unexpected – and (if you like) to suggest further avenues of inquiry.

Knowlton study experiment.

This section should include: ❏ A descriiption of what we would have expected to find, if Knowlton et al were correct, in your two conditions. ❏ A brief recap of what you actually found. ❏ A discussion of whether your results support or do not support Knowlton et al.’s conclusions So for the experiment, I did one sentence, two images. So my question was which of the picture describes the following sentence: most of the fruits are apples”. 100% of the participants chose A Then in another different survey, my question was : more of the fruits are apples. 100% participants chose B https://youtu.be/B32rF6BvL-Q

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