Tag Archives: hypothesis

Lifespan Development  2023 Best

Module 1 assignment explores lifespan Development in the News. STEP 1: Find a popular news article from within the past five years that reports on the results of a research study related to lifespan development.

Lifespan Development

STEP 1: Find a popular news article from within the past five years that reports on the results of a research study related to lifespan development. This should not be a blog entry, but a published article from a news source such as Time Magazine, The New York Times, CNN, Fox News, etc. place to look is the APA’s Psychology news portal. STEP 2: Go find the psychological study or studies that are mentioned in the news report.

Lifespan Development

STEP 3: Write a paper of 500 words • describes and summarizes both articles describes the research method, research design, hypothesis, independent and dependent variables (if applicable), and any reliability or validity concerns compares and contrasts the key points, style, and purpose of the news article with that of the research article examines if the news article accurately describes the research includes correct APA citations (both in-text and in a reference page) for both of the articles (See Purdue Online Writing Lab APA guidelines for reference). https://youtu.be/oESamOlmdlI

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Developmental Psychology. 2023 Best

This paper focuses on developmental Psychology. STEP 1: Find a popular news article from within the past five years that reports on the results of a research study related to lifespan development.

Developmental Psychology.

STEP 1: Find a popular news article from within the past five years that reports on the results of a research study related to lifespan development. This should not be a blog entry, but a published article from a news source such as Time Magazine, The New York Times, Newsweek, NPR, CNN, Fox News, etc. A great place to look is the APA’s Psychology news portal. Read through the article and ensure that it is descriptive and sufficiently long enough in order to draw conclusions from the original research mentioned. STEP 2: Go find the psychological study or studies that are mentioned in the news report.

Developmental Psychology.

Sometimes those are not freely available online, so you may have to track down the original study through the library’s website. The study should have been performed within the past five years. STEP 3: Write a paper between 500-750 words that: describes and summarizes both articles describes the research method, research design, hypothesis, independent and dependent variables (if applicable), and any reliability or validity concerns compares and contrasts the key points, style, and purpose of the news article with that of the research article examines if the news article accurately describes the research includes correct APA citations. https://youtu.be/eJTIo_MhG3M

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Experiment Research Proposal 2023 Best

This assignment involves writing an experiment research proposal on public speaking anxiety on Undergrad College Students. The proposal includes include an Introduction, Literature Review, Hypothesis, Methods-Research Design & Schedule

Experiment Research Proposal

Write Experiment Research Proposal Paper on Public Speaking Anxiety focused on undergraduate college student. Must include an Introduction, Literature Review, Hypothesis, Methods-Research Design & Schedule (please include the type of research you will conduct, and the instrument you will use from existing research, the population you will be studying, how you will select your subjects and collect date from them, research timeline, and any potential obstacles you see if there any), Discussion, Conclusion, and a reference page.

Experiment Research Proposal

APA format in-text citation throughout the paper. I have include some sources that the professor already approved. If the sources I have provided do not include an instrument, you might have to look for one or two sources that have an instrument you want to use to propose in the methods section. Please check your grammar and sentence structure- the professor is big on this. https://youtu.be/YNkws0x0W0o

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Microbe as a model organism 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing a summary of a specific microbe as a model organism/system. Paper instructions: Write a summary of the study that includes: Why did the scientists perform the study (i.e., description of background)?

Microbe as a model organism

A specific microbe as a model organism/system. Write a summary of the study that includes: Why did the scientists perform the study (i.e., description of background)? What was the hypothesis (or hypotheses) under investigation? What were the major results and did they support or negate the hypothesis? Which key techniques were used to achieve these results? Why are the results significant and do they point to further/future studies? In other words, why does this article matter and what should or could be done next?

Microbe as a model organism

Why did you choose this particular article to review? Was it interesting, informative, clearly written, or none of the above? Compose your review in current APA Style and include: A title page Answers to the questions above in paragraph format (2 or more pages) A reference page with the reference for your article and any other sources used in your review. https://youtu.be/Qweduf93UdI

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Knowlton study experiment. 2022 Best

This paper explores the Knowlton study experiment. Paper details: 1. Background and Motivation (1.5 pages double spaced, 12pt font) This is, essentially, an introduction. In this section you want to identify a general question or issue in cognitive science and a more focused, but related, question that your experiment addresses.

Knowlton study experiment.

Paper details: 1. Background and Motivation (1.5 pages double spaced, 12pt font) This is, essentially, an introduction. In this section you want to identify a general question or issue in cognitive science and a more focused, but related, question that your experiment addresses. You can think of these as identifying a general phenomenon of interest and a specific instance of that phenomenon that you hope to shed light on with your experiment. Be sure to explain the relationship between the general question/issue and the more focused question your experiment addresses. You should also situate the experiment with respect to the Knowlton et al. (2021) study.

Knowlton study experiment.

Provide a description of what you expect given the hypothesis based on Knowlton et al’s findings. 2.Conclusion/Discussion (1.5 pages, double spaced) This section is basically a backwards walk through your first section, in light of your results. Tell us whether or not the results do support the findings of Knowlton et al., and what that means with respect to both the focused question and the general issue you identified in section 1. This would also be the place to offer any hypotheses about why your results were what they were – especially if they were unexpected – and (if you like) to suggest further avenues of inquiry.

Knowlton study experiment.

This section should include: ❏ A descriiption of what we would have expected to find, if Knowlton et al were correct, in your two conditions. ❏ A brief recap of what you actually found. ❏ A discussion of whether your results support or do not support Knowlton et al.’s conclusions So for the experiment, I did one sentence, two images. So my question was which of the picture describes the following sentence: most of the fruits are apples”. 100% of the participants chose A Then in another different survey, my question was : more of the fruits are apples. 100% participants chose B https://youtu.be/B32rF6BvL-Q

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Economic Sanctions Affects 2022 Best

For todays assignment we will conduct an empirical Research Design on Economic Sanctions Affects on Putin’s Approval Rating for 2022. The written design should be composed in a 12-point font with 1.5 line spacing,

Economic Sanctions Affects

Empirical Research Design on Economic Sanctions Affects on Putin’s Approval Rating for 2022 Paper details: The Written Design The written design should be composed in a 12-point font with 1.5 line spacing, 1-inch margins, and be a maximum of ten numbered pages in length. APSA format. The written design will emulate the first sections of an academic journal article in political science, but with only a brief theoretical discussion and naturally excluding any discussion of empirical results. It must include the following components as sub-headings: – Introduction. The introduction should succinctly state the research question your design addresses and why it is important or what puzzle motivates it.

Economic Sanctions Affects

It should also briefly outline the design itself, the method and data. Finally, use the introduction to tell the reader what you plan to do with the design: whether you plan to develop it into a research paper or whether it is more exploratory. – Previous Literature. This section is very important. You cannot assume that the reader knows anything about the research question your design proposes to answer. Here, you need to introduce the reader to the broader political science literature within which your research question is located; show why the narrower topic you address is important within that literature; and identify a gap which the study you propose would fill.

Economic Sanctions Affects

It is important to be specific in this last point: identify the most recent and prominent papers which are closest to addressing your research question, or which have addressed the question in a different way. Explain very clearly how your research design is different, and will improve upon or complement those contributions. – Research Question. Here, you need to explicitly state the research question/puzzle and hypothesis that you will test in your design. This does not mean that you need to have a fully-fledged theoretical discussion; a relatively short descriiption of the theoretical intuition or puzzle behind the hypothesis will suffice.

Economic Sanctions Affects

You may have to discuss the specificities of the cases you examine, if these are relevant to the design. However, the question/hypothesis should not simply be stated without any explanation. – Method. Explain and justify the research method you propose to use to test your hypothesis. What qualitative and quantize methods are you using? What is your hypothesis? Refer to the relevant readings to explain the assumptions underlying the method, its strengths and weaknesses. If you plan to run a regression, specify the regression equation here. Tell the reader whether your research design will allow you to make causal claims and how; if it does not, explain why.

Economic Sanctions Affects

Explain explicitly the logic of applying this specific design to your specific research hypothesis. Tell the reader why you have chosen to use this method rather than others which could be more robust or have been used by other researchers to answer your question. – Data & Measurement. Define the independent and dependent variables in your design. Discuss the process of case selection or sampling, how the relevant variables are measured and what data sources you propose to use. Justify your choices in measurement, discussing how your measures relate to the relevant underlying concepts and alternative measures if relevant.

Economic Sanctions Affects

Discuss which control variables you will use and if you are unable to control for relevant factors, explain why. If preliminary data are available, present them in an informative way. – Conclusion. Use the conclusion to sum up your research design and its strengths and weaknesses. You could also make some comments on areas which still need to be finalized or expanded upon, and on the general feasibility of carrying out your design. The draft of the written design must include all sections. However, you must clearly explain the research design.bhttps://youtu.be/l_x2LQZOzF8

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Renewable and nonrenewable energy 2022 Best

This paper explores renewable and nonrenewable energy resources for supplying electricity. The goal is to consider the high demand for energy and the impact of various energy sources on human health and the environment.

Renewable and nonrenewable energy

In this lab, you will examine renewable and nonrenewable energy resources for supplying electricity. The goal is to consider the high demand for energy and the impact of various energy sources on human health and the environment. Which energy sources are the best options? For this assignment, you will use the Unit 4 Lab: Analysis of Energy Sources to complete the Unit 4 Lab Report. First, view the Unit 4 Lab: Analysis of Energy Sources. Link: https://resources.careered.com/LCMSFileSharePreview/Resources/storyline/SCI203_Lab_U4/story.html. Then, open this template.

Renewable and nonrenewable energy

Using the Lab Report template, you will complete the information below. 1. Fill in the data table using the Electrical Power Plant comparison. 2. Write a Lab Report using the scientific method. Your report will include all of the following: Purpose: In 2–3 sentences, state the purpose of the Analysis of Energy Sources Lab. Introduction: In a detailed paragraph, summarize what is currently known about renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. Use the background information provided in the Unit 4 Lab: Analysis of Energy Sources. Hypothesis / predicted outcome: In 1 sentence, state what you expect the results of the lab procedure will be.

Renewable and nonrenewable energy

Methods: In a detailed paragraph, summarize the steps you performed to collect the data in this lab exercise. The goal of the Methods section is to include enough information that others can duplicate your process and obtain the same results Results / outcome: In a detailed paragraph, summarize your data. Discussion / analysis: In a detailed paragraph, discuss whether you obtained the expected results and what you learned from the lab. Submit your completed assignment in one of the following ways: 3. Upload your completed Lab Report. Upload an image with your completed Lab Report. https://youtu.be/PLBK1ux5b7U

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Evolutionary biology assignment 2022 Best

BIOL 4111  evolutionary biology assignment we will explore unresolved ‘How’ question in evolutionary biology.  We will use a total of at least 12 scientific sources cited (research articles, books, scientific and reputable internet resources)

Evolutionary biology assignment

BIOL 4111 Evolution: Thinking essay assignment.   Ask a good, difficult, and unresolved ‘How’ question in evolutionary biology. The question must require more information/research than has been presented in class to solve/answer.  Perform the literature review and research to present a possible solution o Cite at least 8 primary research articles; review articles are OK o A total of at least 12 scientific sources cited (research articles, books, scientific and reputable internet resources) • Organize your essay into three sections:

Evolutionary biology assignment

Why the question is relevant and important (20 points)  Discuss why this is a relevant and important question in evolutionary biology  Provide a historical perspective, and review the scientific progress in the area  Discuss the current state of the problem, and what remains to be solved o The possible solution (35 points)  Using the research you’ve conducted, discuss a possible answer to your question  Do this methodically, citing good, relevant sources  This section must show a synthesis of ideas and critical evaluation. Original thinking must be demonstrated o Testing the solution (15 points)

Evolutionary biology assignment

Describe an experiment which can support the solution you proposed. Describe the experimental design (hypothesis, methods, data collection, analysis) in detail such that the experiment can be completed  Discuss how the experimental data and results can be used to assess the solution you proposed • General requirements (10 points) o No title page o 11 font at 1.15 spacing throughout o 8-10 pages of words (not including the Works Cited page) o At least 12 scientific sources cited.

Evolutionary biology assignment

Follow the CSE guidelines for citations • Overall quality (20 points) o A good, difficult question was proposed o Critical, original thinking demonstrated o Information framed, and flowed effectively; ideas conjoined to create a complete, critical evaluation of the topic o Clear, scientific exposition o Please do not plagiarize https://youtu.be/Lq7N5IEfKYc

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Reverse Logistics in Businesses. 2022 Best

This paper explores the need for reverse logistics in Businesses. Instructions: Your research paper should be 8 to 10 pages not including the Title page, abstract and reference page.

Reverse Logistics in Businesses.

Why Reverse Logistics is Important for Businesses. Instructions: Your research paper should be 8 to 10 pages not including the Title page, abstract and reference page. The paper must include a thesis statement and must contain at least one research question to be answered or a hypothesis to be tested. The assignment must be a research paper in which you draw conclusions based on high-quality research referencing academic or scholarly sources.

Reverse Logistics in Businesses.

The sources you use must represent research not the opinion of authors. Expect to use our online library and to find peer-reviewed journal articles textbooks and reports from think tanks and government agencies such as CRS or GAO as your sources. The body of the paper must be at least 2280 words to earn full credit for the assignment, and you must support your research with at least four peer-reviewed sources that are cited and referenced.

Reverse Logistics in Businesses.

This final paper should be between 8 to 10 pages for the content, not counting the title page or the reference page. Submission Instructions: •Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. •APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting. Submit as a Word Doc. •Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. https://youtu.be/5nPrHYKDLvo

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Factors influencing learning. 2022 Best

This paper explores factors influencing learning. Introduction: Identifying and verifying the wide range of factors that might predict student learning is a task dominating educational psychology from its beginning.

Factors influencing learning.

Introduction Identifying and verifying the wide range of factors that might predict student learning is a task dominating educational psychology from its beginning. Hundreds of potential variables have been identified and several models have been developed to help organize research findings. As an example, imagine that you hypothesize that the student characteristic of learning style is a good predictor of how well students would score on measures of learning. You would then begin an inquiry on that topic using the Capella library’s databases of refereed journals (peer-reviewed scholarly journals) and identify a number of different approaches to defining and measuring learning style.

Factors influencing learning.

You might find that there are a wide variety of approaches to defining and measuring this variable (Coffield, Moseley, Hall, & Ecclestone, 2004). There are some positive reviews of the concept (Joy & Kolb, 2009; Kotecha, 2019) and some negative reviews (Pashler, McDaniel, Rohrer, & Bjork, 2009; Kirschner, 2017). You would summarize your findings and draw a conclusion regarding the validity of your hypothesis. Instructions Your task as a new educational psychology researcher is to identify a factor that you believe to be an important predictor of student learning and report the results of your inquiry.

Factors influencing learning.

While you have a lot of experience as a learner in a variety of contexts, you are bringing an inquiring mind to the scientific study of teaching and learning and you want to begin to understand some of the variables that have been studied and the methods used in this process. In your assignment, include the following: Provide an overview of prior research on the factors or variables that influence a specific measure of learning and analyze elements of the findings in relation to your topic.  Identify a specific variable hypothesized to influence learning, and provide specific methods by which it can be investigated scientifically. https://youtu.be/RSw7nEuOQy0

Factors influencing learning.

Identify five research studies published in peer-reviewed journals that have investigated the variable you hypothesized to influence student learning and summarize each article. Integrate research findings from the five articles you selected, and draw a conclusion based on the empirical evidence from these studies. Structure Your assignment should include: A correctly-formatted APA title page. An abstract that provides an overview of the document. A body that includes an introduction and a summary/conclusions section and addresses all elements of the scoring guide. A references page.


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