Tag Archives: IRAC analysis.

Know Your Rights Written Assignment 2022 Best

The aim of Know Your Rights Written Assignment is to research the relevant law and case law on the issue and draft a “Know Your Rights” pamphlet that can be used to educate others on the issue(s).

Know Your Rights Written Assignment

Know Your Rights Written Assignment. Failure to complete and turn in your assignment by the due date will result in a failing grade for the course, no matter what grades you have earned on your other coursework. Assignment: Choose an area of employment or labor law that interests you. This can be a broad topic such as Title VII or specific topics of interest such as grooming codes. Research the relevant law and case law on the issue and draft a “Know Your Rights” pamphlet that can be used to educate others on the issue(s).

Know Your Rights Written Assignment

Make your work visually appealing through the use of such techniques as spacing, font size, bolding, graphics, photos, etc. Here are some examples – https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/ Requirements: (1) Your document needs to contain 1,000-1,500 words. 500 of which need to be your own words. In addition, the law you use needs to be cited. You must cite your textbook at least once in the document. To cite your textbook or a book simply state the book title, the edition, and the first author. Ensure that websites you reference are government websites or primary sources and include the hyperlink after the quote.

Know Your Rights Written Assignment

(2) Create issues that you think might arise in this area of law. Example: “If I have a disability, what are my rights at work?” (https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/disability-rights/) These can be issues you have read in cases, found in your EEOC press release research for discussions, issues that you have experienced or seen at work, or just areas that you can see a potential for issues to arise. You can address as many issues as you would like just be sure to meet the word count requirements found above.

Know Your Rights Written Assignment

After each of these issues perform your IRAC analysis. (i) Rule(s) of law- State the current law and case law on the issue. Please use the actual language of the law.  Properly cite the law, meaning put the text of the law in quotes and tell me where you found it (and where your reader can find it if they want to read it themselves). (ii) Application- Use your own words to apply the law you stated to the issue you are addressing.

Know Your Rights Written Assignment

(iii) Conclusion- Spell it out for your reader. Tell them what is and what is not a violation of the law (ex. Your boss can be a jerk, but he can’t be a jerk by asking for sexual favors in exchange for a promotion.)Careful here- remember to inform your reader that certain laws only apply to businesses with a certain number of employees and that there are filing deadlines they need to be aware of. End Goal: That by the end of this assignment you know one narrow area of employment law so well that you can teach it to someone. https://youtu.be/8wJPpimJPHQ

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