Tag Archives: methodology

Adoption of artificial intelligence 2023 Best

The aim of this study is to investigate whether, how and why the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing has positive effects on marketing capabilities, and in turn, firm sales. This study also aims to discuss the challenges associated with the adoption of AI and its limitations in marketing.

Adoption of artificial intelligence

Instructions Research Question: The aim of this study is to investigate whether, how and why the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing has positive effects on marketing capabilities, and in turn, firm sales. This study also aims to discuss the challenges associated with the adoption of AI and its limitations in marketing. 1. Survey: Current survey questions attached in Survey Questions Document need to be changed to address the feedback. Refer to Survey Questions Doc. 2. Methodology – 2 pages ´ Data & context: which data/setting and why they are suitable to test your main hypotheses / answer your research question. ´ Variables (dependent, independent, and controls) description. Controls should follow prior literature (review). ´ Method (it can go also after the descriptive statistics)

Adoption of artificial intelligence

3. Results – 4 pages · Statistical analysis of results from associated survey Results: (1) Descriptive statistics (means/sd and correlations, (2) Multivariate analysis E.g. of quantitative article you will read for FOE: Eggers, J. P., & Song, L. (2015). Dealing with Failure: Serial Entrepreneurs and the Costs of Changing Industries Between Ventures. Academy of Management Journal, 58(6), 1785-1803. Evaluation based on level of independence, rigor of the analysis, critical assessment of the results (not just description but also link back to hypothesis/literature review.) 4. Discussion – 15 pages · Needs to relate to literature review – completed and attached · Needs to address the research question 5. Conclusion – 2 pages · Summary and conclusion · Limitations.https://youtu.be/Vone_Yi1UDY

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Research in Educational Leadership. 2023 Best

This assignment entails writing a scholarly essay of engaging with Research in Educational Leadership.

Research in Educational Leadership.

Assignment (100%): a 4000-word scholarly, critical analysis and reflection as follows: Part 1: Literature Review A critical literature review in relation to an aspect of educational leadership. As well as providing a substantive review of the literature it should include an explanation of how sources were chosen and why: for example, what parameters were set; what search terms used and why. Critical reflections on lessons learnt about carrying out a literature review should be included within the assignment. Choose a topic, ideally one which might be of interest for your dissertation.

Research in Educational Leadership.

Write a thematic literature review on this topic. You should:  Compare and contrast the findings about this topic from previous research (i.e.do NOT just summarize the publications).  Critically evaluate the body of research throughout your comparison.  Come to a conclusion about the strengths and weaknesses of current research on the topic.  Outline if there are any research gaps on this topic (i.e. areas that have been under-researched and are in need of more attention in future research). Important note: You will NOT be able to use this assignment directly as a chapter in your dissertation.

Research in Educational Leadership.

Therefore, choose a topic that is related to your dissertation interests or broader than your particular dissertation idea, so that you can still use the information you learn (but not the exact words you write). Your literature review should deal with the character and nature of the work you are reviewing. If it is a research focused source then you need to provide details of how the data was collected and analysed, so some information with regard to methodology. If it is a theoretical source, you should identify this and provide an insights as to how the theory was generated, or what theory was applied.

Research in Educational Leadership.

Ultimately, this is in order for you to be able to give an authoritative view on how reliable, and relevant the research is to your review, your narrative and your argument. Page | 2 If you do not engage with the character of the literature in this way, then you will not be addressing the learning outcomes as developed, throughout this Unit ‘Engaging with Research in Educational Leadership’. For example, do not write a descriptive and discursive ‘essay’ which involves the literature to back up the points you are making, instead of getting into the details of the research.

Research in Educational Leadership.

Requirements:  A clear topic in the form of a title or question which is related to the field of education  Minimum 10-12 academic sources (you can use more)  Only academic sources used (books, journal articles, reliable research reports)  Most sources should be research-based This assignment is worth 75% of your overall module mark. Word count: 3,000 words (+/- 10%). Part 2: Critical Reflection A reflective account of your learning on the course unit and the influence this had had on your professional practice. You should show how your thinking has developed since the beginning of the course.

Research in Educational Leadership.

For those who can, you may draw on the discussions you had during the opening conference. Alternatively, you can refer to your first postings and portfolio contributions from the early themes or unit one. This is intended to show the ‘baseline’ understanding they established to think about how your knowledge is developing as a result of this course unit and how this has, or can influence your professional practice. Word count: 1,000 words (+/- 10%). Please note there is the opportunity to submit a draft reflection for your tutor to give feedback on. Submit your draft by the beginning of Week 8 (please see Key Dates for exact deadline), via your PebblePad portfolio.

Research in Educational Leadership.

Page | 3 Suggested structure Part 1: Literature Review Introduction: explain the topic and context, why the topic is important (using evidence!), and give any necessary definitions (250-300 words) Approach: explain how you found your sources, what databases you used, what keywords you used, and what selection or exclusion criteria you applied and why (200-300 words) Main body: organize your paragraphs according to themes or issues which appear in the research. Choose themes that appear in several sources to let you compare. Critically evaluate throughout. You could divide this into 2-3 sections with subheadings. (1800-2100 words)

Research in Educational Leadership.

Conclusion: reach an overall evaluation of what is known, the strengths and weaknesses of current research in the area, and what research gap(s) exist (i.e. what future research still needs to find out) (250-300 words) Part 2: The Critical Reflection The critical literature review requires some preparation and guidance. It will encompass 25% of the marks, so you should apportion 1000 words +/- 10%. to this task. For this reflective account you should use Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle. https://youtu.be/9ekcWQxgk3k

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Significance of Project Initiation. 2023 Best

This paper explores the significance of project initiation. The instruction is as follows; Write a research paper based upon your chosen research topic, which synthesizes the journaled research from modules 1, 2 and 3.

Significance of Project Initiation.

Significance of Project Initiation.  The instruction is as follows; Write a research paper based upon your chosen research topic, which synthesizes the journaled research from modules 1, 2 and 3. CONTENT: Subject matter should not be overly broad, but focused on a specific aspect of interest relate to the research topic. CRITICAL-THINKING: The opening paragraph (having a clear thesis), substance of the body (relevant supporting information), and conclusion (formulating a key thought) are very important; they are the main areas that demonstrate critical-thinking and comprehension of the methodology.

Significance of Project Initiation.

Feel free to add related experiences, analogies, or researched case studies to add supporting substance. STRUCTURE: This paper should include a cover page, an abstract, 5 pages in body, and reference page. STYLE: It is expected that all papers be written in APA 6th edition format according to the University of Mary Standard. Penalties for form & style errors will be significant. GRAMMER: Do not write in first person, passive voice, or contractions. Remember, this is a graduate program, and student-papers must be scholarly in nature.

Significance of Project Initiation.

SOURCES: It is expected that scholarly, peer-reviewed sources be integrated into papers from your research journal. Ensure properly cited sources within the paper’s body with corresponding entry on reference page. RUBRIC: Please refer to the GTSB APA Paper rubric for each written assignment. Submit paper by Sunday night at midnight [due end of Module 4] for final grade. Conduct a peer review of the assigned research paper [due end of Module 5]. A Peer Review is an evaluation of academic work by peers in an effort to increase standards of quality and promote mastery-level writing.

Significance of Project Initiation.

Academia uses this tool for determining a paper’s suitability for publication. Perform a thoughtful critique of your assigned peer-papers. Critiques should be completed by Friday night at midnight. Use rubric as the basis of the critique. Students will receive up to 20 points for submitting thoughtful peer reviews. References Briard, R., Bhuiyan, N., Sicotte, H., & Keshani, P. (2020). Critical Success Factors in New Product Development Projects in a Weak Matrix Structure. Journal of Modern Project Management, 08(2), 38–57. Kloppenborg, T. J., Manolis, C., & Tesch, D. (2009).

Significance of Project Initiation.

Successful Project Sponsor Behaviors During Project Initiation: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Managerial Issues, 21(1), 140–159. Finn, J. (2022).  Project management: Beauty and the beast. Rubber World, 266(6), 18–19. Zwikael, O., & Gilchrist, A. (2023). Planning to Fail: When Is Project Planning Counterproductive? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(1), 220–231. https://doi-org.ezproxy.umary.edu/10.1109/TEM.2021.3053585 Radu, M., & Nistor, R. (2013). Project Initiation and Project Management Approach – an Expensive Connection. Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society, 6, 67–70. Soderberg, E. (2020). https://youtu.be/VRwgP6QdBiU

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Ineffective programs about Juvenile 2023 Best

Using Crimesolutions.ojp.gov find Effective and Ineffective programs about Juvenile Behavioral Programs. Introduction (one paragraph) Who, what, where, why, how, when II. Discuss the effective(Green) program (Two pages) What type of program was it? -Who was the target population?

Ineffective programs about Juvenile

Paper instructions: Using Crimesolutions.ojp.gov find Effective and Ineffective programs about Juvenile Behavioral Programs. Introduction (one paragraph) Who, what, where, why, how, when II. Discuss the effective(Green) program (Two pages) What type of program was it? -Who was the target population? -Identify hypotheses: -Identify the dependent and independent variables: -Identify the methodology used to collect data: -Discuss the limitations of the studies: -What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program? -What barriers were there to implementing the program? -Which variables impacted the effectiveness of the intervention/program? Discuss the ineffective (Red) program (Two pages).

Ineffective programs about Juvenile

What type of program was it? -Who was the target population? -Identify hypotheses: -Identify the dependent and independent variables: -Identify the methodology used to collect data: -Discuss the limitations of the studies: -What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program? -What barriers were there to implementing the program? -Which variables impacted the effectiveness of the intervention/program? – What is the effectiveness of RED Compared to the GREEN programs? – For the RED study, what would you do different? – For the GREEN study what would you do differently? – Why did one program fail (RED) and why did one program succeed (GREEN)? Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs). https://youtu.be/uoJIK1jtf70

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Theory and everyday phenomena. 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing  literature review on theory and everyday phenomena.  Paper details: Demonstrate an expert level understanding of theory and how the theory speaks to everyday phenomena. 5-7 pages in length.

Theory and everyday phenomena.

Paper details: Demonstrate an expert level understanding of theory and how the theory speaks to everyday phenomena. 5-7 pages in length. 5 sources minimum all of which are to be peer-reviewed journal articles or chapters in edited books that have been published by a reputable academic press — APA formatting and reference style will be required. • 5-7 pages in length — assuming double-spaced 12-point Times New Roman front and not counting titles, headers, figures, notes or reference • 1 theory or substantial theoretical concept that connects your selected source material; your theory will be chosen from the topics listed in the syllabus,.

Theory and everyday phenomena.

5 scholarly sources minimum, all of which are to be peer-reviewed journal articles or chapters in edited books that have been published by a reputable academic press — APA formatting and reference style will be required • A clear, thoughtful question or problem to which you believe the selected theory may apply More on the Literature Review Literature reviews are discussions of previous theory and research; scholars can write stand-alone literature reviews, but they are frequently part of research reports in journal articles, book chapters, and such. Experts in an area/topic conduct literature reviews in order to determine what the “state of field” is in terms of knowledge about particular subjects.

Theory and everyday phenomena.

In other words, we do reviews of the existing literature in order to answer the question, “What can we say we know about ______?” One element of many literature reviews is the “theory section.” This is a passage or section in which academic work that develops and applies a particular theory gets discussed. The writer summarizes, synthesizes and places in context of their own inquiry a substantial number of previous academic texts. In these, you do more than simply “talk about” what you’ve read. Rather, you help the reader see the “background” of your own research, the ideas on which you rely, and the way in which you’re conceptualizing communication.

Theory and everyday phenomena.

In order to have a coherent approach to a communication problem, you need an appropriate and cogent way to conceptualize communication. Using a particular theory of communication enables us to accomplish just that. So, the above is what a literature review is and why we craft them. Here’s how you should complete the assignment. • Know that you will be writing a literature review, and not a whole research paper. You’re crafting what is usually just one part of a larger research project. • Develop a thoughtful, focused research question or problem. What might you be interested in understanding?

Theory and everyday phenomena.

What phenomena, issue, or process engages your curiosity? You’ll not be researching this per se, but you should select a theory that’s appropriate for framing the way in which you’ll approach that phenomena in later work. • Select one theory from our course textbook to discuss in your review. o The theory you select should be presented as a chapter in our course textbook. If you wish to concentrate on any communication theory or major concept that is not presented in our textbook, then you must have your selection approved by the course instructor by the mid-point of the semester. o You may write on a theory that has been discussed as a formal part of our class sessions.

Theory and everyday phenomena.

Compose a literature review with the following sections (later in the semester, I will point you toward useful internet resources): o A concise introduction of 1-2 paragraphs in which you (1) name and characterize the theory you will discuss, (2) explain the question or problem that grounds your selection of this theory, and (3) previews the remainder of your assignment. o A main section with subsections that engage several of the themes/topics described in a bullet point below. o A focused conclusion of 1-2 paragraphs in which you (1) summarize the chief “lessons” of your literature review and (2) bring closure to your work by reconnecting your review with the question or problem you discussed at the outset.

Theory and everyday phenomena.

For the main section of your literature review, you will describe, synthesize, analyze, and/or apply the sources you’ve read. The objective here is to develop expertise about this theory and how it can be used to generate knowledge in response to communication questions and problems. You do this by going beyond just producing a simple “book report” on what you’ve read. Instead, students who earn higher grades will develop and discuss themes/topics that cut across multiple sources. These are examples of potential themes/topics you might develop for the main section of your literature review:

Theory and everyday phenomena.

What practical problems or issues does this theory seek to help understand or solve? Has the scope or focus of this theory changed in any way over time? o Amongst the research articles you review, discuss claims or findings that show up in multiple sources. That is, talk about what researchers are “doing with” or “finding with” this theory. o Explain how theorists have changed, added, removed, or emphasized key concepts within the theory over time. o What concepts are most important or illuminating in reference to the problem you’re interested in understanding. That is, why does this theory or particular parts of it “apply” well to the issue or topic in which you’re interested?

Theory and everyday phenomena.

What do these articles using a particular theory have in common, such as research methodology, subject matter/topic, etc.? o What questions, problems, disagreements or uncertainties persist across these articles? o What articles or theorists are referenced as seminal, early, or influential? What is the content of these articles or how are they described in others’ work? o Other topics, themes, or discussion points are possible…. https://youtu.be/zVQFNrjuz6w

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Optimism Index in males and females. 2022

This paper explores optimism Index in males and females. Dashboard Research Project Instructions Instructions Students will read a scholarly journal article and a non-scholarly article about a specific topic that will be provided in the course

Optimism Index in males and females.

Dashboard Research Project Instructions Instructions Students will read a scholarly journal article and a non-scholarly article about a specific topic that will be provided in the course. Items to consider when reading the articles include noting the issue, methodology, and results. Students will choose two groups of people (15 each, 30 total) and collect data by requesting 30 people to complete a questionnaire provided in the course. Fifteen of the questionnaires must be completed by men and 15 of the questionnaires must be completed by women. Students must enter the data into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that is provided in the course, and then analyze the data.

Optimism Index in males and females.

Students will read the data set instructions that are located in the course for additional details about what statistical procedures to conduct. Tables and graphs must be copied and integrated into a Word doc in final submission. Excel file must also be submitted. Students will develop an APA formatted, written report that contains the following sections: Introduction: Briefly summarize the concept (approximately 300 words) Refer to the scholarly peer-reviewed article and the non-scholarly article to discuss the concept Methodology: Briefly describe the following with regard to data collection (make a separate heading for each subheading below):

Optimism Index in males and females.

Participants Discuss any important demographic information such as age of participants etc. Materials Describe the questionnaire—number of items and the response set (i.e. the Likert scale options) Procedure Describe how the data was collected –how did you find participants and ask them to participate Results: Briefly summarize the statistical findings from the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and address the questions in the data set instructions about the data. This section will include a frequency polygon and content from the textbook as students answer questions about the results.

Optimism Index in males and females.

Tables and graphs from Excel Spreadsheet must be integrated into the results section of this paper. Students will also assume normality and apply an independent t-test to analyze if the difference between two groups is statistically significant. Refer to the data set instructions for guidelines on what to include in the results section. Discussion: Briefly summarize the interpretation of the findings (i.e. what do the findings mean in relation to the concept) (approximately 300 words) APA Format: Include APA references for at least 3 sources (two provided resources and one additional resource) used in this report (i.e. journal article, non-scholarly or peer-reviewed article, or textbook). In-text citations need to be appropriately used and correct. https://youtu.be/MD-B1Sg4qsw

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Palasad Survey Research Report 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing a Palasad Survey Research Report Findings based on survey (SPSS statistics). Paper details: Your analysis plan and phase 1 analysis: See separate document. This step will include an SPSS output of your univariate analysis as well as a summary for it, and a chart that explains your plans for your multivariate and other analysis. Y

Palasad Survey Research Report

Paper details: Your analysis plan and phase 1 analysis: See separate document. This step will include an SPSS output of your univariate analysis as well as a summary for it, and a chart that explains your plans for your multivariate and other analysis. Your research report should include the following information: • Title page (professional client report) • Table of contents • Executive summary (1 page max) • Client description, background, decisions, and objectives from phase 1, improved based on professor feedback • Methodology of what we did including a detailed explanation of sampling, data collection and analysis methods. Note you will be required to demonstrate statistical techniques beyond simple frequencies. • Findings • Conclusions and research limitations. https://youtu.be/wB3MNiDXifE

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Patient focused inquiry. 2022 Best

This paper explores patient focused inquiry. This assignment focuses on the outcome of the literature search. Based on the outcome of the first assignment the wording of the PICOT question may be modified.

Patient focused inquiry.

Assignment 2: Patient-focused inquiry. Value 40%. This assignment focuses on the outcome of the literature search. Based on the outcome of the first assignment the wording of the PICOT question may be modified. It is highly recommended that the student consult with their professor on changes to the question before progressing. The page limit for the narrated component of the paper is 4 pages (excluding cover page and references), and the page limit for the literature summary table is 4 pages. All eight (8) selected research articles must be submitted via the article submission portal provided on the course Blackboard site.

Patient focused inquiry.

The articles must be submitted in the order that the articles appear in the literature table and must be clearly identified with all APA reference information. Failure to follow these article submission specifications will be deemed a writing competency error and associated mark deductions will be applied. The assignment submission must include: • An introduction • A one-page appendix with a Prisma literature search graphic depicting the search process and results (See: https://guides.lib.unc.edu/prisma AND http://prisma-statement.org/documents/PRISMA%202009%20flow%20diagram.pdf.

Patient focused inquiry.

A literature chart detailing the eight (8) selected research studies. Review articles (literature reviews, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis), opinion articles and other non-research articles are not to be included. Table 2 provides the required format and content requirements for the literature table. (Note: The literature table is best managed using landscape orientation.) • A concisely worded descriptive synthesis of the evidence regarding the topic of inquiry.

Patient focused inquiry.

A conclusion including a concisely worded summation about the state of the evidence you have reviewed and the implications for nursing practice, education, and research. • PDFs of the research papers used with the elements from Table 2 highlighted as follows: o Research Question – Yellow o Methodology – Green o Methods/Design – Blue o Findings – Red or Purple. https://youtu.be/3tl_ODfemec

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Effective Crisis Management. 2022 Best

This paper explores effective crisis management. Instructions: write a 2-page Researcher’s Positionality Statement based on Table of Contents Summary and Organization of the Remainder of the Study

Effective Crisis Management.

Paper details:  Topic Effective Crisis Management Communication: Leadership and Organizational Elements Essential for Success Rational for Methodology Please write a 2-page Rational for Methodology based on Table of Contents Researcher’s Positionality Statement. Please write a 2-page Researcher’s Positionality Statement based on Table of Contents Summary and Organization of the Remainder of the Study.  Please write a 2-page Summary and Organization of the Remainder of the Study based on Table of Contents.

Effective Crisis Management.

Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study 1 Background of the Study 1 Problem Statement and Significance of the Study 1 Theoretical and/or Conceptual Framework 1 Researcher’s Positionality 2 Purpose of the Study 2 Research Question(s) and/or Hypotheses 3 Rationale for Methodology 3 Definition of Terms 4 Summary and Organization of the Remainder of the Study 4 Chapter 2: Literature Review 15 Overview 15 Crisis Management 16 Theoretical Approach 19 Situational Crisis Communication Theory 21 SCCT Stages 21 Attribution Theory 25 Contingency Theory 27 Image Restoration Theory

Effective Crisis Management.

28 Critical Factors to the Crisis Management Process 30 External Environment 30 Psychological Factors 32 Communication and Media Plan 34 Leadership and Crisis Management 35 Crisis Lifecycle 36 The Preparation Phase 39 Emergency Phase 39 Adaptive Phase 39 Decision Making and Crisis Management 41 Ethics and Crisis Management 44 Chapter 3: Methodology 49 Introduction 49 Statement of the Problem 50 Research Questions 51 Research Methodology

Effective Crisis Management.

51 Research Approach 52 Study Population and Sample Selection 54 Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria 54 Data Collection Method 56 Sources of Data 57 Trustworthiness of the Study 61 Triangulation 61 Member Checking 61 Reflexivity 15 Data Analysis Procedures 62 Ethical Considerations 64 limitations 65 summary 65. https://youtu.be/xwYoJbsvlE4

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Teenage Behavioral Programs. 2022 Best

Paper instructions: Using Crimesolutions.ojp.gov find Effective and Ineffective programs about Teenage Behavioral Programs. Introduction (one paragraph) Who, what, where, why, how, when II. Discuss the effective(Green) program (Two pages)

Teenage Behavioral Programs.

Paper instructions: Using Crimesolutions.ojp.gov find Effective and Ineffective programs about Juvenile Behavioral Programs. Introduction (one paragraph) Who, what, where, why, how, when II. Discuss the effective(Green) program (Two pages) What type of program was it? -Who was the target population? -Identify hypotheses: -Identify the dependent and independent variables: -Identify the methodology used to collect data: -Discuss the limitations of the studies: -What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program? -What barriers were there to implementing the program?

Teenage Behavioral Programs.

Which variables impacted the effectiveness of the intervention/program? Discuss the ineffective (Red) program (Two pages) What type of program was it? -Who was the target population? -Identify hypotheses: -Identify the dependent and independent variables: -Identify the methodology used to collect data: -Discuss the limitations of the studies: -What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program? -What barriers were there to implementing the program?

Teenage Behavioral Programs.

Which variables impacted the effectiveness of the intervention/program? – What is the effectiveness of RED Compared to the GREEN programs? – For the RED study, what would you do different? – For the GREEN study what would you do differently? – Why did one program fail (RED) and why did one program succeed (GREEN)? Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs). https://youtu.be/Stz–d17ID4

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