Tag Archives: nursing practice

Medical billing and coding challenges 2023 Best

For this assignment we will explore some of the common medical billing and coding challenges/issues, e*Explain the impact of improper claims management.

Medical billing and coding challenges

Introduction: Claims management is the art of consolidating, billing, filing, revising, and managing medical claims, an imperative aspect of the healthcare industry. Medical facilities cannot receive due funds if patients are unaware of how much they need to pay. Ensuring provider organizations understand the fundamentals of medical billing and coding can help providers and other staff operate a smooth revenue cycle. Tasks: *Explain some of the common medical billing and coding challenges/issues. *Explain the impact of improper claims management. *

Medical billing and coding

Describe how technology can be helpful when it comes to medical billing and what tools are available. Submission Details: *Submit a 2- to 5-page paper as a Microsoft Word document addressing the above tasks. Use APA standards for citations and references. https://youtu.be/y_2dx8d92Sk


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Concept map assignment 2023 Best

The purpose of this concept map assignment is to help you strengthen a weakness and to practice utilizing clinical judgment in preparation for NCLEX. From your HESI dashboard, you will identify a concept from your “Weak Performance Areas”.

Concept map assignment

Concept Mapping Assignment Overview A Direct-Focused Care Written Assignment The purpose of this concept map assignment is to help you strengthen a weakness and to practice utilizing clinical judgment in preparation for NCLEX. From your HESI dashboard, you will identify a concept from your “Weak Performance Areas”. This will be the concept utilized in this assignment. You may use a concept only once for each course. This assignment will utilize a template designed to promote critical thinking and clinical judgment and to see how these relate to the nursing process. To begin, select the concept that you will use for the concept map assignment.

Concept map assignment

Identify a concept from your HESI Dashboard’s “Weak Performance Areas”. If you are a learner who has not yet taken a HESI Assessment, you will choose your concept from the Concepts for Nursing Practice eBook located in your ‘Course Resources’ section of the course. HESI Dash.PNG Once you have selected your concept, you will identify a patient case to which you can apply your chosen concept. You may use a current patient, such as from an on-ground DFC, or a patient situation from a previous encounter. If you do not have access to a current/live patient experience that can be utilized for this assignment, you may access a simulated patient experience from a previous VCBC.

Concept map assignment

The patient you choose might have multiple co-morbidities. Build your concept map around the concept you chose; this might not necessarily be the patient’s priority concern. For example, you chose the concept of ‘Infection’ from your ‘Weak Performance Areas’ on the HESI Dashboard. Your patient might have co-morbidities related to Perfusion and Gas Exchange which will most often be a higher priority than ‘Infection’. However, to increase your knowledge about ‘Infection’, complete you map according to cues (signs and symptoms) and appropriate interventions related to ‘Infection’. Your Concepts for Nursing Practice eBook can serve as a resource for information regarding interrelated concepts.

Concept map assignment

You now have your concept and your patient. Familiarize yourself with the rubric and the assignment requirements; then you are ready to begin. Gather the patient data and organize the information on the nursing process template of the Concept Map Worksheet. The nursing process template (located on page 1 of the assignment) will help you complete the concept map assignment located on page 2. The example below shows how the nursing process relates to clinical judgment. Nsg Process & CJ.PNG After completing the nursing process template, utilize this information to help you build the concept map assignment.

Concept map assignment

The arrows in the map show you the order in which the map is intended to be completed. All boxes should be completed related to the concept you chose. 1. Recognize cues. What matter the most? What client findings are significant, most important, and of immediate concern to the nurse? 2. What is the pathophysiology and disease process affecting this client? 3. Analyze the cues. How are the cues related? How do they link to the client’s conditions/problems? 4. Prioritize hypotheses. Rank the client’s conditions/problems in order of severity and complexity. What is most important? 5. Generate solutions. https://youtu.be/mI0FFUKhHds

Concept map assignment

What are the desired outcomes for this client rated to your identified concept? Identify SMART goals for this client. What interventions support achieving the desired outcomes? 6. Take action. Implement your identified interventions. How will you accomplish these interventions? 7. Evaluate the outcomes. How will you determine the effectiveness of your interventions? Give credit to your references. You do not need a separate ‘Reference Page’, but APA-style references should be identified at the bottom of the assignment.

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Maternal Mortality Rates. 2023 Best

This paper explores maternal mortality rates. To complete this assignment you will need to read the article and provide the class an executive summary of what you learned from the reading. What do you think about our state’s maternal mortality rates? Please explain why this is.

Maternal Mortality Rates.

Read the article and provide the class an executive summary of what you learned from the reading. What do you think about our state’s maternal mortality rates? Please explain why this is. Do some comparisons, and give examples of what other states are doing to combat these alarming high rates. How do they compare to Texas? Requirements: – Are thoughtful and analyze the content or question asked. – Contain novel ideas, connections, and/or real-world application but lack depth, detail and/or explanation.   Make connections to the course content and/or other experiences. – References cited – Ideas are persuasive, and always expressed in a clear and coherent manner. https://youtu.be/O7Yir–CXe4

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Implementation science. 2022 Best

WEEK 4: TN DISCUSSION focuses on implementation science. For this Discussion, reflect on your understanding of Big Data and the implications for implementation. Consider the impact of research as it relates to collection via Big Data and consider how this impact might lead to potential barriers in implementation and practice gaps.

Implementation science.

WEEK 4: TN DISCUSSION 1: IMPLEMENTATION SCIENCE. Never have we had vast amounts of data at our fingertips like we do today. However, before we can meaningfully access and use data for interpretation, it must be transformed. To derive meaning from the data collected, you need to understand that data collection is rapidly changing and constantly evolving. The methods with which data is collected, analyzed, and used to justify, support, or lend credibility to research aims, are all important considerations for the nurse researcher. As it relates to Big Data, the methods of how data is collected, analyzed, and used for implementation is also important.

Implementation science.

While the availability of data collection certainly has its advantages, many researchers point to the concerns over Big Data. For this Discussion, reflect on your understanding of Big Data and the implications for implementation. Consider the impact of research as it relates to collection via Big Data and consider how this impact might lead to potential barriers in implementation and practice gaps. Reflect on your experience and consider how these key issues might impact nursing practice. RESOURCES Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.

Implementation science.

WEEKLY RESOURCES TO PREPARE Review the Learning Resources for this week, focusing specifically on the implementation science articles and web resources. Consider the issues related to research and Big Data. BY DAY 3 OF WEEK 4 Post and describe what you believe is most significant as a key issue with Big Data in which dissertation research has been completed, yet the data has not been analyzed or implemented. Please cite specific examples of research that was completed with potential for great social impact but was not implemented. What are some potential barriers for implementing the research analyzed?

Implementation science.

What potential gaps exist between evidence-based approaches and the research process? BY DAY 5 OF WEEK 4 Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days. Expand upon your colleague’s posting or offer an alternative perspective on how Big Data might affect research or the barriers with research implementation. LEARNING RESOURCES Required Readings · Sipes, C. (2020). Project management for the advanced practice nurse (2nd ed.). Springer Publishing. o Chapter 4, “Planning: Project Management—Phase 2” (pp. 75–120) o Chapter 2, “Foundational Project Management Theories that Support Decision-Making” (pp. 22–25)

Implementation science.

American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing informatics Links to an external site.: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). o “Standard 1: Assessment” (pp. 68–69) o “Standard 2: Diagnosis, Problems and Issues Identification” (p. 70) o “Standard 3: Outcomes Identification” (p. 71) o “Standard 4: Planning” (p. 72) · Thompson, T. (2019). 6 steps to mastering the theoretical framework of a dissertation Links to an external site.. ServiceScape. https://www.servicescape.com/blog/6-steps-to-mastering-the-theoretical-framework-of-a-dissertation · Wensing, M., & Grol, R. (2019). Knowledge translation in health: How implementation science could contribute more Links to an external site.. BMC Medicine, 17(88). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12916-019-1322-9 https://youtu.be/Cvk-cpDptOc

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Genogram and an ecomap 2022 Best

The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate your ability to construct a genogram and an ecomap accurately and to showcase your understanding of the value and the importance of using such tools in family nursing practice.

Genogram and an ecomap

436 assignment 2 Genogram and Ecomap.  Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate your ability to construct a genogram and an ecomap accurately and to showcase your understanding of the value and the importance of using such tools in family nursing practice. Assignment Guidelines and Marking Criteria Draw or construct a genogram of your family. Then, draw or construct an ecomap for your family. Refer to the textbook for how to accurately delineate these diagrams. You may choose to peruse the sites listed below for help in constructing these diagrams: www.genopro.com/genogram www.SmartDraw.com www.genogram.org.

Genogram and an ecomap

You can either draw these diagrams on a piece of paper and scan it or construct them using computer software. Attach the completed diagrams as appendices. (7 marks) A description of the various components of the genogram and ecomap and the relevance to family nursing assessment should be a maximum of 3 pages (excluding the title page, references, and appendices). (10 marks) Use APA (current edition) format in your assignment. (5 marks) Demonstrate critical analysis and synthesis of content and ensure writing is succinct and clear in your assignment. Reference sources should always include peer reviewed journal articles. Refer to the Scholarly Evidence Guide for more information on how to access peer reviewed sources. (3 marks) https://youtu.be/76iZ1uSiP4I

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Patient focused inquiry. 2022 Best

This paper explores patient focused inquiry. This assignment focuses on the outcome of the literature search. Based on the outcome of the first assignment the wording of the PICOT question may be modified.

Patient focused inquiry.

Assignment 2: Patient-focused inquiry. Value 40%. This assignment focuses on the outcome of the literature search. Based on the outcome of the first assignment the wording of the PICOT question may be modified. It is highly recommended that the student consult with their professor on changes to the question before progressing. The page limit for the narrated component of the paper is 4 pages (excluding cover page and references), and the page limit for the literature summary table is 4 pages. All eight (8) selected research articles must be submitted via the article submission portal provided on the course Blackboard site.

Patient focused inquiry.

The articles must be submitted in the order that the articles appear in the literature table and must be clearly identified with all APA reference information. Failure to follow these article submission specifications will be deemed a writing competency error and associated mark deductions will be applied. The assignment submission must include: • An introduction • A one-page appendix with a Prisma literature search graphic depicting the search process and results (See: https://guides.lib.unc.edu/prisma AND http://prisma-statement.org/documents/PRISMA%202009%20flow%20diagram.pdf.

Patient focused inquiry.

A literature chart detailing the eight (8) selected research studies. Review articles (literature reviews, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis), opinion articles and other non-research articles are not to be included. Table 2 provides the required format and content requirements for the literature table. (Note: The literature table is best managed using landscape orientation.) • A concisely worded descriptive synthesis of the evidence regarding the topic of inquiry.

Patient focused inquiry.

A conclusion including a concisely worded summation about the state of the evidence you have reviewed and the implications for nursing practice, education, and research. • PDFs of the research papers used with the elements from Table 2 highlighted as follows: o Research Question – Yellow o Methodology – Green o Methods/Design – Blue o Findings – Red or Purple. https://youtu.be/3tl_ODfemec

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Professional Nursing Organizations. 2022 Best

Professional nursing organizations provide the opportunity for nurses in the profession to influence nursing practice, nursing education, health policy, and healthcare standards. As a professional nurse, it is important to join a professional nursing organization to keep abreast of the latest knowledge and practices locally, regionally, and globally.

Professional Nursing Organizations

As a professional nurse, it is important to join a professional nursing organization to keep abreast of the latest knowledge and practices locally, regionally, and globally. It provides nurses with the information to stay current on issues and opportunities that can assist in personal advancement for the member who becomes involved in the organization. Professional nursing organizations provide the opportunity for nurses in the profession to influence nursing practice, nursing education, health policy, and healthcare standards.

Professional Nursing Organizations

CLO 2 Clinical Judgement: Select valid resources using online databases to acquire knowledge of professional roles, ethics, legal issues, and standards of professional nursing practice. CLO 5 Professional Behavior: Differentiate professional roles, ethics, standards of nursing practice. Select a professional nursing organization’s website online to explore. Answer the following questions: 1 – What is the purpose of the organization? 2 – What is the mission statement? 3 – What is the criteria to join the organization?

Professional Nursing Organizations

4 – What benefits are provided to members? 5 – How is the website set up? Is it easy to maneuver? Can you locate the information you want easily? 6 – Is this a reliable source of information for nurses? This critical thinking assignment needs to be a minimum of 250 words and use at least 1 scholarly resource other than the textbook as evidence to support your critical thinking. Use the APA Manual 7th edition to correctly reference the resource(s). https://youtu.be/ObM_U1SYzxA


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Applying the Nursing Process. 2022 Best

Case Study, Chapter 15, Community as Client: Applying the Nursing Process.  The student nurses are preparing a presentation for the community health rotation.

Applying the Nursing Process.

Case Study, Chapter 15, Community as Client: Applying the Nursing Process.  The student nurses are preparing a presentation for the community health rotation. It is critical for nurses and student nurses to understand the community’s concept as a client is a prerequisite for effective service at every level of community nursing practice. A major component of the presentation is to describe a community needs assessment. What are the characteristics of a healthy community?

Applying the Nursing Process.

What is meant by the concept of community as a client? What are the three dimensions of the community as a client? The paper should adhere to two pages (500 words) in APA format (professional). At least two references, one reference from your textbook, and the other(s) must be from nursing scholarly journals not more than five years old. https://youtu.be/Ug4fDIJNQhw

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Leadership and Management Attributes 2022 Best

This assignment discuses leadership and management attributes that support critical decisions for nursing practice.  bScenario You have recently started a position as a department director with five managers reporting to you.

Leadership and Management Attributes

Competency Evaluate leadership and management attributes that support critical decisions for nursing practice. Scenario You have recently started a position as a department director with five managers reporting to you. Earlier today, one of your managers reports that a client expired on her unit. She suspects that a factor that may have contributed to the client’s demise may be related to the actions of a nurse on her unit. This nurse has several notes in her personnel file that reflect potential client abuse. You and the nurse manager both have concerns that this sentinel event must be investigated.

Leadership and Management Attributes

Later in the day, the Chief Nursing Officer asks you to speak to new nurse managers to share attributes of leadership with the plan of enhancing their leadership skills. You see an opportunity to combine the situation of the client with a bad outcome, due to the alleged influence of one of the nurses, while building information to share this real-life situation with new nurse leaders. Instructions As a follow up to the investigation of the client’s unexpected death, generate an internal memo to your managers to reflect leadership and management attributes and include steps taken to investigate this unfortunate situation.

Leadership and Management Attributes

As you create this memo, keep in mind that you should include: At least five leadership and/or management attributes for nurse leaders, as well as how they can improve client outcomes. Steps you would take to ensure the collection of data regarding this incident. Describe how transformational leadership style may influence the process of investigating this professional nurse colleague that reports to one of your unit managers. Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar. https://youtu.be/qzoIAJYPQwo

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Clinical reasoning and judgement skills. 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on enhancing clinical reasoning and judgement skills. Scenario For this assessment, you may choose from the following options as the context for the quality or safety issue or chosen diagnosis/health issue for researching and completing this assessment:

Clinical reasoning and judgement skills.

Professional Context As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will be responsible for locating and identifying credible and scholarly resources to incorporate the best available evidence for the purposes of enhancing clinical reasoning and judgement skills. When reliable and relevant evidence-based findings are utilized, patients, health care systems, and nursing practice outcomes are positively impacted. Scenario For this assessment, you may choose from the following options as the context for the quality or safety issue or chosen diagnosis/health issue for researching and completing this assessment:

Clinical reasoning and judgement skills.

The specific diagnosis/health issue you identified in your previous assessment. The simulation Vila Health: Determining the Credibility of Evidence. A personal practice experience in which a sentinel event occurred. Instructions The purpose of this analysis is to better understand what constitutes credibility of journal articles as well as websites. The role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse in incorporating evidence-based research continues to growth in clinical practice. As quality improvement (QI) measures to reduce safety risks continue to be emphasized, the need for evidence-based models and evidence-based templates is growing.

Clinical reasoning and judgement skills.

This type of systematic approach to incorporating evidence-based findings allows nurses to make clinical and operational decisions based upon the best available evidence. When the most up-to-date evidence-based findings are utilized, patient-centered care improves outcomes and enhances the patient experience. For this assessment: Explain the criteria that should be used when determining the credibility of journal articles as well as websites. Support your explanations with references to the literature or research articles that describe criteria that should be used to determine credibility.

Clinical reasoning and judgement skills.

Your identification and determination of credibility should be done within the context of your chosen scenario for this assessment. For example, if you choose to use the provided Vila Health scenario, your initial identification of resources should be of resources that will best help address the presented issue. However, if you are locating resources to help provide evidence-based care for the diagnosis/health care issue you identified in the first assessment, you may want to begin your literature and evidence search from the databases that were identified. Any of the three scenario options are acceptable.

Clinical reasoning and judgement skills.

So, pick the one that most interests you. Be sure to address the following in this assessment, which correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so that you will know what is needed for a distinguished score. Describe a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis, that could benefit from an evidence-based approach. Explain criteria that should be considered when determining credibility of resources such as journal articles and websites. Analyze the credibility and relevance of evidence and resources within the context of a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis.

Clinical reasoning and judgement skills.

This is where you are selecting the specific resources to help address the issue in your chosen scenario. Identify the Evidence-Based Practice model and explain the importance of incorporating credible evidence into the EBP model used to address a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis/health care issue. Review the literature below and choose the appropriate model for your diagnosis/health care issue. Selecting a model for evidence-based practice changes. [PDF] and Evidence-Based Practice Models help explain the various evidence-based nursing models. Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style. https://youtu.be/Vjtzz_J7IqY

Clinical reasoning and judgement skills.

Additional Requirements Your assessment should meet the following requirements: Length of submission: 2-4-page scholarly paper, this does not include the APA-formatted title page and reference list. Number of references: Cite 3-5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more than five years old. APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style. Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final capstone course.

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