Tag Archives: summary

Analyzing a website. 2023 Best

Analyzing a website.

This assignment focuses on analyzing a website. The objective of this assignment is to assess the accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, and scope of the website by providing short explanations of 1-2 sentences (https://blog.neuronation.com/en/thats-how-healthy-eating-impacts-your-brain/).

Analyzing a website.

Assess the accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, and scope of the website by providing short explanations of 1-2 sentences (https://blog.neuronation.com/en/thats-how-healthy-eating-impacts-your-brain/). Is the website accurate? Why? Yes the website is correct. Their research has been supported by a lot of universities. Besides, it has been cited in various scholarly articles. Does the website have authority? What are the author’s credentials? Yes. It is written by organizational authors. The organization also has several awards from the ministry and corporations. Is the information on the website objective? How can you tell? Yes.

Analyzing a website.

It is brief yet very well explained. It also provides tagged links to support this information. Is the information current?. Give examples. I think so All though the information is not dated, only studies in the current past have been pointing to this site. Is the scope of the information broad or narrow? Explain. It is broad. It uses examples and data from research to explain its concepts, the information is structured in a way that you can get the concept from the title, then it is further expounded in the body. https://youtu.be/aejSz_c2MKo

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Prisons staffing in Florida. 2023 Best

Prisons staffing in Florida.

This assignment involves writing a research paper on prisons staffing in Florida. MAIN DETAILS: Your proposal should include the following headings and subheadings: 1. Introduction: This will be an edited version of the introduction you completed from the Unit 3 Assignment.

Prisons staffing in Florida.

Research paper 1pages 1 double-spaced page = 300 words 1 slide = 150 words 60 minutes – 300 words. Law and International Law More order details Specific topic Florida department of corrections struggled to staff its prisons. Formatting style APA Sources Use appropriate sources, no specific sources were provided Dear Writer, please write Topic: Florida department of corrections struggled to staff its prisons? MAIN DETAILS: Your proposal should include the following headings and subheadings: 1. Introduction: This will be an edited version of the introduction you completed from the Unit 3 Assignment.

Prisons staffing in Florida.

2. Problem Statement: Insert the problem statement that you created in Unit 3, making any corrections or revisions needed based on feedback you received from your professor. 3. Literature Review: Insert the literature review that you completed earlier in this course after making any necessary corrections or revisions based on feedback you received from your professor. The review should include each of the elements originally required for the Unit 4 Assignment: a. Introduction: Revise and resubmit the introduction from your Unit 4 Assignment.

Prisons staffing in Florida.

b. Theoretical Considerations: Revise and resubmit the theoretical considerations section from your Unit 4 Assignment. c. Literature Review: Revise and resubmit the literature review section from your Unit 4 Assignment. d. Summary and Conclusions: Revise and resubmit the summary and conclusions section from your Unit 4 Assignment. 4. Research Design: Insert the elements of the research design that you completed from the Unit 4 Assignment, making any necessary corrections or revisions to those elements based on feedback.https://youtu.be/OKCkktUYM2E

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How to write an annotated Bibliography. 2023 Best

How to write an annotated Bibliography.

For this assignment we will learn how to write an annotated Bibliography. A bibliography is a list of sources (journals, Web sites, periodicals, etc.) one has used for researching a topic. Bibliographies are sometimes called “References” or “Works Cited” depending on the style format you are using.

How to write an annotated Bibliography.

Instructions A bibliography is a list of sources (journals, Web sites, periodicals, etc.) one has used for researching a topic. Bibliographies are sometimes called “References” or “Works Cited” depending on the style format you are using. A bibliography usually just includes the bibliographic information (i.e., the author, title, publisher, etc.). An annotation is a summary and/or evaluation. Therefore, an annotated bibliography includes a summary, assessment, and reflection of each of the sources. Each annotation (summary, assessment, & reflection) should be at least 350 words in length. Articles that are five years older than the current year will not be counted. For example, any article dated 2016 (2022 current year) will not be counted towards the required 36 articles.

How to write an annotated Bibliography.

Please do not use any of the articles provided in the course modules. Your annotations will include the following 3 components (Label each one accordingly): ● Summary: ○ What are the main arguments? ○ What is the point of this article? ○ If someone asked what this article is about, what would you say? ○ How does this article correlate to the PLO Standard selected for the specific question? ● Assessment: ○ Is it a useful source? ○ How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? ○ Is the information reliable? ○ Why did you pick this article to review? ○ Which of the PLO standards support this article? Why?

How to write an annotated Bibliography.

Reflection: Once you’ve summarized and assessed a source, you need to ask how it fits into your future career as a school leader. ○ Was this source helpful to you? ○ How can you use this source in the future? ○ Has it changed how you think about educational leadership? ○ What impact will it have on your future as a school leader? Why should I write an annotated bibliography? You begin to read more critically instead of just collecting information.

At the professional level, annotated bibliographies allow you to see what has been done in the literature and where your own research or scholarship can fit. Writing an annotated bibliography can help you gain a good perspective on what is being said about educational leadership.

How to write an annotated Bibliography.

By reading and responding to a variety of sources on educational leadership, you’ll start to see what the issues are, what people are arguing about, and you’ll then be able to develop your own point of view. Format The bibliographic information: Generally, though, the bibliographic information of the source (the title, author, publisher, date, etc.) is written in APA. Use https://www.citefast.com/?s=APA to create your references in APA format. The annotations: The annotations for each source are written in paragraph form. The lengths of the annotations should be no less than 150 words.

How to write an annotated Bibliography.

Remember to focus your annotations for your own needs. Please do not include any materials that you reviewed in any of your courses. These references should be articles you read in order to create this annotated bibliography. Please only review online articles; you will be able to include the URL of the material in your reference. Articles can be either academic or practitioner; make sure the articles are available online in their entirety. Provide three articles per prompt; the seven prompts highlighted in red below have been selected for you.

Select one additional prompt from each of the five remaining categories for a total of 12 prompts with 3 articles per prompt for a total of 36 articles. How to write an annotated Bibliography. https://youtu.be/qrDFzwZ2dGc

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Inequality and Housing. 2023 Best

Inequality and Housing.

This assignment involves writing a 1.5- to 2-page summary of an internet article that deals with the topic of “Inequality and Housing.” Your summary should be followed by a works cited entry for the article you are using.

Inequality and Housing.

Length: 1.5-2 pages (double-spaced) MLA: works cited entry for article being summarized; no in-text citations necessary Final Draft: submit to Dropbox with HOWL review and revision memo by February 12th Task: Write a 1.5- to 2-page summary of an internet article that deals with the topic of “Inequality and Housing.” (You are free to decide which of the many types of housing inequality you want to read about.) If there were any passages from this unit’s readings that made you react with anger or even disbelief, or think “yes, that was me,” those are good places to start when deciding on your topic.

Inequality and Housing.

Audience: Write your summary for an audience that is interested in your topic but unfamiliar with the research/article you are summarizing. For example, pretend that I have put you into groups of four and assigned your group four articles to read—and pretend that your group has done the practical thing and divided the readings, one per group member. Now you are meeting for a second time, and you need to provide your group with a summary of your article.

Inequality and Housing.

Sources/MLA: Your summary should be followed by a works cited entry for the article you are using. Because the article you are summarizing is the only source you will be using, you do not need to include in-text citations of your article (it would become repetitive and distracting to include them). https://youtu.be/oLSAm2szdjM

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Recommendations of the Jennings Committee 2023 Best

Recommendations of the Jennings Committee

This assignment involves summarizing the key recommendations of the Jennings Committee and form an opinion about the appropriateness of their recommendations. The Jennings Committee, formally known as the Special Committee on Research Program was established in 1957 to evaluate accounting standard setting and to make recommendations for changing the process.

Recommendations of the Jennings Committee

The Accounting Principles Board. Objectives 1. Demonstrate that you have read the report of the Jennings Committee. 2. Demonstrate that you understand the key points of the report. 3. Clearly communicate your thoughts and ideas in a clear and concise manner. 4. Practice your written communication skills including the ability to write persuasively in a document that is free of spelling and grammatical errors. Assignments The Jennings Committee, formally known as the Special Committee on Research Program was established in 1957 to evaluate accounting standard setting and to make recommendations for changing the process.

Recommendations of the Jennings Committee

Summarize the key recommendations of the Jennings Committee and form an opinion about the appropriateness of their recommendations. Support your opinion with a well-reasoned argument. Your submission should be a 2–3-page paper, double-spaced. Note 1 : For assigned readings, Please find the attachment Note 2 : Please make sure there is no plagiarism. https://youtu.be/l99PhxM6syo

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Book Review and Application 2023 Best

Book Review and Application

The essay is for the second book review: Book Review and Application: Reframing Community Partnerships in Education Assignment. Overview The texts selected for this course will help broaden your understanding of the course content.

Book Review and Application

Book Review and Application: Reframing Community Partnerships in Education Assignment. The essay is for the second book review: Book Review and Application: Reframing Community Partnerships in Education Assignment. Book Review and Application Assignment Instructions Overview The texts selected for this course will help broaden your understanding of the course content. Through this content, professionals in the field step into our class and share from their experience and context. As you work through this assignment, focus on the Application section where you will reflect on your specific context since this is where growth will occur.

Book Review and Application

Instructions Book Review and Application: Educational Partnerships Assignment The student will write a book review of Educational Partnerships. Using the Summary, Analysis, and Application format (what the author said, what the author means, and how does this apply to my context), students will make specific application to their teaching context. Each part of the book (Parts 1–3, 500–750 words each) should be reviewed for a total of 1,500–2,250 words and follow the Summary, Analysis, and Application format. Use of headings is recommended.

Book Review and Application

Book Review and Application: Reframing Community Partnerships in Education Assignment The student will write a book review of Reframing Community Partnerships in Education: Uniting the Power of Place and Wisdom of People. Using the Summary, Analysis, and Application format (what the author said, what the author means, and how does this apply to my context), students will make specific application to their teaching context. Each part of the book (Parts 1–4, 400–500 words each) should be reviewed for a total of 1,600–2,000 words and follow the Summary, Analysis, and Application format.

Book Review

Use of headings is recommended. Here is the outline you will use for your Book Review (Summary, Analysis, and Application): Title Page Table of Contents Introduction (if desired) Part 1 Summary Analysis Application Part 2 Summary Analysis Application Part 3 Summary Analysis Application Conclusion (if desired) Bibliography Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. https://youtu.be/Vzf0sw222qE

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Art historian Linda Nochlin. 2023 Best

Art historian Linda Nochlin.

This  is a critical analysis of the scholarly article, “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” by the art historian Linda Nochlin. The objectives for this paper are: (1) Learn in-depth about a specific topic from our historical period of study (2) Gain an appreciation for the methods of art historical research

Art historian Linda Nochlin.

Write a critical analysis of the scholarly article, “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” by the art historian Linda Nochlin. The objectives for this paper are: (1) Learn in-depth about a specific topic from our historical period of study (2) Gain an appreciation for the methods of art historical research (3) Independently apply and contextualize knowledge acquired in the article In this paper, you are to make an argument about the scholarly article. First, you must identify and explain the argument the article advances, and then you will provide your own argument about that argument, commenting on its construction, validity, contemporary relevance, etc.

Art historian Linda Nochlin.

Begin by reading the article carefully. Before you start writing, it is essential that you understand the key points of the text. You may well need to read it two times before you even begin to organize your thoughts. During your initial readings of the article, consider the following: • What is the article’s thesis? What is she arguing for or against? • What is the author’s motivation for writing the article? What does it add to our understanding of its subject that previous studies did not? • What key points and types of evidence does the author use to support his/her thesis? Remember that while a critical analysis will contain a summary of the article, the paper is not solely a summary.

Art historian Linda Nochlin.

Your paper should have its own thesis that comments on the article’s argument. As you write your analysis, consider the following guidelines: • Introduce the work under consideration by stating the title and author. • Your introductory paragraph should contain a brief summary of the article and state your own thesis about it. • In the following paragraphs, elaborate on your initial summary and comment on the construction of the article’s argument. The structure of your paper should roughly follow the structure of the article. Jumping back and forth around the article will in all likelihood confuse your reader and lose the thread of the author’s argument.

Art historian Linda Nochlin.

How does the author support her argument? How does she use works of art as evidence? What other sources of evidence does she use? What evidence do you find especially compelling? Is any of the evidence weak or insufficient? • Support your argument by using specific passages from the article as evidence. However, be judicious in your use of block quotations, and be sure to frame quoted passages within the overall fabric of your paper. o Be sure to cite quotations with an MLA-style citation. Remember that the purpose of a critical analysis is to evaluate. • What is the significance of this article?

Art historian Linda Nochlin.

How does it make you think differently about the material studied? o Impressionism o Impressionist Arts o Impressionist Artists (Edouard Manet, Gustave Caillebotte, Claude Monet, etc.) • How is it relevant to issues in contemporary culture? • Consider the blind spots of the article. For example, what types of questions or sources of evidence does it avoid or omit? Lastly, your paper should have a conclusion that does something more than rehash what came before it. The conclusion is a space to contemplate the stakes of your argument. • What have we gained from reading your analysis of this article?  https://youtu.be/PYRnH-DmO7E

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Fear of Recurrence. 2022 Best

Fear of Recurrence.

This assignment involves writing a brief paper on fear of Recurrence. Research Brief- paper assignment guidelines: A brief is a summary, guide, or argument that someone uses to present key points to their readers. In our case we will be using research to make our idea/point come to life.

Fear of Recurrence.

Research Brief- paper assignment guidelines: A brief is a summary, guide, or argument that someone uses to present key points to their readers. In our case we will be using research to make our idea/point come to life. Your brief needs to have the following points/areas in it: 1. Title- think of something that catches the eye and makes the reader want to read it. 2. Summary- Give the main points you found in the research on your topic area. 3. Background- Describe the present state of the research knowledge on your topic 4. Answer/explore why is this topic is important-Explain why you chose this topic.

Fear of Recurrence.

5. Anything New-Give details of any new information that came from your analysis of the research that you did 6. Is a change required?- Why should the current state of affairs change-present an argument for why and what should change if anything 7. Conclusion- clearly state why the change or topic is relevant to the modern world and how it might change things now and if change is needed how could we start to do this if we wanted too. References: You must have a reference page (this is not included in the two page limit). Use APA 7th edition to do your reference page.

Fear of Recurrence.

Articles you sight must be from the last 5 years, there is no limit in how many you can have but should be ~5-10 articles used as this indicates a well thought out brief. Your brief will only be two pages single spaced (~1000 words no less than 950 words). In the body of your work use only one reference or two maximum for any points you reference. If there is more than one author, for your referenced work used, in the brackets you will only use the first authors last name followed by et al., and the date it was published. (e.g., Freeman et al., 2017). Fear of Recurrence.

For your reference page you will use the complete and proper APA 7th edition formatting for all of the referenced work you used. https://youtu.be/Rs4I37AWDD0

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Knowing Jesus through the old testament. 2022

Knowing Jesus through the old testament.

For this assignment we will focus on knowing Jesus through the old testament. Guiding questions: What did you like about the book? What did you not like? What are the book’s strengths and weaknesses? Did the book teach you something new about the Old Testament, and if so, what?

Knowing Jesus through the old testament.

Getting to know Jesus through the old testament. Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1.25 inch left margin. The review should not be a mere summary of the book but an evaluation of its contents. Some questions that can be addressed in the paper are: What did you like about the book? What did you not like? What are the book’s strengths and weaknesses? Did the book teach you something new about the Old Testament, and if so, what?

Knowing Jesus through the old testament.

Were there parts of the book that were confusing–If so, which parts and what made them hard to understand? Would you recommend the book to someone? If so, to whom, and why? Be specific with your observations (give examples and page numbers). https://youtu.be/Xs-JvUPCX5g

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American political system 2022 Best

American political system

This assignment asks you to write a paper in which you discuss the role interest groups play in the American political system and how they attempt to shape public policy.

American political system

Write a paper in which you discuss the role interest groups play in the American political system and how they attempt to shape public policy. Write an introduction paragraph about the selected topic. The paragraph should be in at least 200 words. Introduction should include a specific thesis statement at the end. Write a detailed outline in the APA writing format (7th ed.). Your outline should be detailed, not simply heading and subheading topics.

American political system

For each main body part of the paper, you should should provide a sub-thesis statement and supporting details. Write an annotated bibliography in the APA writing format (7th ed.) The annotated bibliography should include at least five (5) scholarly sources An annotated bibliography should include the references in the APA format (7th ed.) and annotations for each reference. An annotation is a brief summary of the article and its contribution (the information it provides) to your paper Each of the five annotations should be in at least 100 words. https://youtu.be/0TbYXaqidaA

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