Poem Luke Havergal by Edwin Arlington Robinson

The Components of the Poem Luke Havergal by Edwin Arlington Robinson

Length: 1500 words minimum and 1800 words maximum (please put the word count at the end of your essay).   Format: MLA (see a writing handbook for details).  Remember: 1” margins, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font.   Subject:    Discuss this poem (on page two of this document) using the terms we’ve discussed that poets use when creating poetry.  Second, discuss what the author is trying to achieve or what the poem means.  Third, compare the poem you choose to one of the poems we’ve discussed in class or read for class.   Note:  I suggest you read and reread the poem until you understand every line.  Too often, in the responses I receive, it’s obvious that the writer starts writing before understanding the poem.  Start with understanding it, then move on to write about it and have something to say about it.

Although this is a very short essay and no research is required, I consider this a “formal” essay.  I consider this an example of the way you will write your final essay.  You do not have very long to make your point—so have one and prove it.   Note:  I suggest you read and reread the poem until you understand every line.  Too often, in the responses I receive, it’s obvious that the writer starts writing before understanding the poem.  Start with understanding it, then move on to write about it and have something to say about it. Although this is a short essay and no research is required, I consider this a “formal” essay.  I consider this an example of the way you will write your final essay.

In Summary

You do not have very long to make your point—so have one and prove it.   I would also suggest that you slow down and discuss ideas in detail.  Please do not be one of the writers from class who will make claims blithely and just skip over all the implications of what is being said and then fail to prove much.   These are the terms (as we covered in the book) that I would like to use.  All may not be appropriate so use what is appropriate

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