Tag Archives: comics and design.

Visual Analysis of Black Panther 2022 Best

Visual Analysis of Black Panther

This is a visual Analysis of Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet. Instructions: Choose one page from the second half of Black Panther to analyze for how visual and comic elements contribute to and enhance the story. Think about line, shape, contrast, texture, and elements from McCloud like gutters, transitions, panels, motion, etc.

Visual Analysis of Black Panther

Choose one page from the second half of Black Panther to analyze for how visual and comic elements contribute to and enhance the story. Think about line, shape, contrast, texture, and elements from McCloud like gutters, transitions, panels, motion, etc. Also consider principles of design: balance, emphasis, proportion/scale, pattern and repetition might be useful here. In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, share a focused analysis that examines a single page in great detail.

Visual Analysis of Black Panther

Begin by introducing your analysis and the page / panels you will focus on. Then share your findings. What is Stefreeze doing in and with his illustrations (including the negative space, the gutter, the absence of gutters, etc)? What of interest or consequence do you see in the visual aspects of the page? In this paragraph, practice using the language / vocabulary of comics and design. https://youtu.be/FjqOCOAGTHw

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