Tag Archives: insurance claim

Real-world organizational issues 2022 Best

Real-world organizational issues

This paper uses organizational behavior concepts to alleviate real-world organizational issues and recommend solutions to those issues to the satisfaction of organizational stakeholders.

Real-world organizational issues

Case Study Assignment #1 Instructions For this assignment you will write this as a research report making sure to use APA. Do NOT use 1st or 2nd person, I want to see 3rd person along with citations and references! This assignment supports the Course Objectives 4, 8, and 9 listed in our syllabus. 4. Understand and apply concepts relating to job satisfaction, stress, motivation, ethics, and decision making. 8. Analyze real-world organizational situations, and diagnose the critical issues and stakeholder concerns to be addressed. 9. Use organizational behavior concepts to alleviate real-world organizational issues and recommend solutions to those issues to the satisfaction of organizational stakeholders.

Real-world organizational issues

Read the following W-Home is a homeowner’s insurance firm in Wonderland. The firm hires 200 clerical workers to handle insurance claims. Each employee handles a single task within the insurance claim process. For example, some employees take the insurance claim calls, some employees divide the cases by accident types, some employees calculate the insurance claim amount, some employees prepare the documents, etc. There are five-line managers supervising the clerical employees. Their pay was about the average for secretarial and clerical jobs in Wonderland. Their salaries are adjusted yearly across the board for inflation.

Real-world organizational issues

There was also a year-end bonus that can range from 0 to 30 percent of their yearly salary. The year-end bonus was determined by the total number of insurance claims that the company has handled in a given year. According to the line managers, the biggest complaint that the clerical workers have is their work environment. The offices for the clerical workers are in ten separate buildings side-by-side. These buildings were used to be private houses and are about 120 years old. The heating and air conditioning do not work well, and they often get too warm in the summer and too cold in the winter. The office space is small and cramped with the bathrooms being unclean.

Real-world organizational issues

There is no cafeteria, and the workers have to bring lunch from their home. There are also only few parking spaces in the building, and many employees have a hard time finding parking spaces nearby. The line managers consider this poor work environment as the cause for the low level of job satisfaction and motivation of clerical workers. They have asked the management to take actions to address the problem for the last ten years. After having enough complaints from the clerical workers and their line managers, the management of W-home has decided to purchase a new office building for the clerical workers.

Real-world organizational issues

The building is brand new and can accommodate all the clerical workers and line managers. All the workers now have their working spaces in a large, bright, and temperature controlled room. The building also has a cafeteria with a great list of menus each day. The bathrooms are clean with all the state-of-the-art features. The building also has a large parking lot that can accommodate all the cars of the employees. For the first two months after moving to the new office, the clerical employees seemed excited, and their job satisfaction has increased. But after these two months, the results were disappointing.  https://youtu.be/EZtaj49IdlA

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