Tag Archives: insurgent organization

The Cuban revolution. 2023 Best

The Cuban revolution.

This paper explores the Cuban revolution. First the paper explores the causes of the Cuban civil war, strategies of the main insurgent group, in the Cuban civil war, Strategies of the counterinsurgent.

The Cuban revolution.

CUBA CIVIL WAR CASTRO CHE GUEVARA. Paper instructions: The final paper is an individual assignment. For this assignment, students will build on their midterm group memo by expanding the case study from their mid-term memo and while relating it to the conceptual and theoretical discussion in the course. Students are asked to focus on one of the topics from class, such as: causes of civil wars; insurgency and/or counterinsurgency doctrine; insurgency and/or counterinsurgency strategy; insurgent organization; counterinsurgency challenges; or conflict outcome, and to apply that discussion to the case study of their mid-term assignment.

The Cuban revolution.

For example, if a student was part of a team that examined the Sri Lankan civil war in the mid-term assignment, then in the final paper he/she should examine the Sri Lankan civil war by choosing one of the following options: 1. The causes of the Sri Lankan civil war 2. Strategies of the main insurgent group, the LTTE, in the Sri Lankan civil war 3. Strategies of the counterinsurgent (i.e., the Sri Lankan government) 4. LTTE strategies 5. LTTE organization 6. Outcome of the Sri Lankan war.   By examining any one of these topics, the student should apply concepts and theories in class to the case study.

Here, students could either use the case study to show the applicability of the concepts, but students can also show the limitations of existing concepts and theories to the case study at hand.

The Cuban revolution

Students who wish to stray from the midterm topics and write a final paper that is not related to their midterm can do so, but have to receive instructor approval for their topic. Regardless, all papers must apply concepts discussed in class to a case study. Additional Submission Instructions: • Final papers are “open book,” meaning that students are allowed to use their class notes, and to consult the readings from the syllabus. It is permissible to consult additional reading materials not included in the syllabus, but it is not necessary to do so in order to do well in the papers. •

The Cuban revolution.

It also means that students may not work in teams, and students may not consult each other on how to answer or approach the exam questions. Students are, however, permitted to share class notes. • Papers are to be submitted electronically via the Moodle class website by the deadline noted above. Late submission policies apply. There is a 5% reduction for each 48 hour period of late submission. • The length of a final paper should be between 5-6 pages(not including cover page, endnotes, and bibliography). Papers should be written in Calibri font, 12 pt, double spaced, and standard width margins. Students can submit a paper in Hebrew, in which case please use David font.

The Cuban revolution.

All sources used must be properly documented. Students may use any citation style of their choice, but need to be consistent throughout the paper. Whenever possible, students should cite class readings in their answer, as opposed to making references to the class lectures. • Sources that students should consult include required readings and class notes. It is recommended that students peruse relevant recommended readings. Outside sources that are not on the syllabus are permitted, but students should make sure that these sources are credible (in case of doubt, ask the TA or the instructor). Wikipedia is not a credible source. The Cuban revolution.

The Cuban revolution.

All papers must include a cover page and a bibliography. The cover page should list the course name, date, and the student’s ID number. Bibliographies must include all sources used in the paper (and only those). • Papers are graded based on the following criteria: • Substance of the answers (14/60) – Is the information presented in the paper factually accurate? Does the discussion of the paper pertain to the question posed in the final paper? Is the discussion related to the class, and informed by material pertinent to class? • Logic (14/60) – Are the answers logical and coherent? Are the answers structured in a logical and coherent fashion? https://youtu.be/1wURV75MkJo

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