Tag Archives: isupper()

Creating a program flowchart 2023 Best

creating a program flowchart

This assignment involves creating a program flowchart (Flowgorithm) using c+ +. This program asks the user to enter a character and then displays a message based on its case using the isupper() and islower() functions.

creating a program flowchart

1. Create a Flowchart for a program that uses functions from the ctype.h and stdio.h header files. This program asks the user to enter a character and then displays a message based on its case using the isupper() and islower() functions. The functions used in this program include: · puts() from the stdio.h header file – puts() displays string data · islower() and isupper() from the ctype.h header file – islower() checks to see if a letter is lowercase and isupper() checks to see if a letter is uppercase. 2.Write a flowchart for a program that does the following: Calls two functions. The first function should display a message and prompt the user to enter their dog’s age.

creating a program flowchart

The second function will compute and display the dog’s age in human years (dog age * 7). The second function should pass the dog’s age from main() into the function definition to be computed. You should use the puts() function to display one message An “End of Program” message should be displayed inside of main() as the last statement 3. Write a flowchart for a program that does the following: o Assign the passcode 11862 to a variable o Ask a user to enter a passcode o Use a while loop to allow the user three tries o Use if…else statements to check to see if the user entry matches the password (Hint: Use the equal operator ==).

creating a program flowchart

If the user enters the password correctly use a break or assign the looping condition a value so the loop stops o Display a message if the user enters the passcode correctly. Display ‘Try Again’ if the user enters the passcode incorrectly 4. Write a flowchart and C code for a program that does the following: Use a for() loop, starting at 100 and ending at 200 – note: there is no user input with this program. o Use an accumulating total statement to keep a running total of the numbers between 100 and 200 o Display the grand total of the values added together 5. https://youtu.be/-T_dtmY5nZ4

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