Tag Archives: meaning or self-esteem

The Psychology of motivation 2022 Best

The goal of the project is to give you an opportunity to put into action the knowledge you have gained in the Psychology of motivation, emotion and behavior.

The Psychology of motivation

Written Assignment for Psych 325 Motivation “There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it” Oscar Wilde. The goal of the project is to give you an opportunity to put into action the knowledge you have gained in the Psychology of motivation, emotion and behavior. You are to use the goal worksheet on the second page of this document to identify areas in your life that you are motivated to change and improve. 1. Choose three areas of interest from the worksheet but make sure one of them is your career interests given your approaching graduation from college.

The Psychology of motivation

Discuss where these goals come from, are they your goals or someone else’s. How has societal expectations effected selection of your goals? Will achievement of these goals make you happy? Why? 2. For each life area, establish at least one long-term goal and one short-term goal and make sure that both are specific, objective and measurable. List as many subgoals as you think will be needed to achieve your goals. 3. Make it clear what successfully reaching these goals would look like and what failure would look like. Is fear of failure an issue in your selection of these goals? 4. Identify the current expense costs of long-term goals (what are you sacrificing now).

The Psychology of motivation

5. Identify which physical and or psychological need that is being met for each of the three goals. Identify which psychological need (the need for autonomy, belonging, meaning or self-esteem etc.) is important to you and why. 6. Outline the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation that is pushing you to achieve your goals. 7. Identify your resources and assets for achieving your goals and also identify the obstacles that may interfere with achievement of your goals. 8. Will you commit to these goals publicly? Will you actively pursue them with passion or only halfheartedly try to move toward them?

The Psychology of motivation

The paper is to be 5-6 pages in length, double spaced, utilizing Times New Roman font at 11 points. You will have a title page that does not count toward the 5-6 pages and you will number the pages in the top right corner starting after the title page. Please double check your work to avoid spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors. Contact me with questions, concerns or minor panic attacks. https://youtu.be/7sxpKhIbr0E

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