Tag Archives: medical procedures

Child Life Specialist. 2022 Best

Child Life Specialist.

For this assignment we will focus on Child Life Specialist.  Children can experience intense feelings of pain, fear, and distress when undergoing medical procedures, and in turn, this can impact their coping skills.

Child Life Specialist.

Research Study Outline: Introduction (1 page) · Introduces the topic in broad terms and creates reader interest in the project o Children can experience intense feelings of pain, fear, and distress when undergoing medical procedures, and in turn, this can impact their coping skills. Observing how a Child Life Specialist can enhance the experience during venipuncture for children and their caregivers is essential. Child life specialists can reduce pain, fears, and distress through developmentally appropriate play, support, and education, thus promoting healthy and appropriate coping skills.

Child Life Specialist.

Child Life Specialists have been more recently accredited for supporting children, and their caregivers, throughout various medical procedures and improving the overall experience. Statement of Problem (1/2-1 page) · Problem Statement o Venipuncture is one of the most stressful, invasive, and intimidating medical procedures for children. Needles, as we know, immediately increase fear and anxiety in children, and therefore, children begin to react negatively through crying, anger, and sometimes even aggression. There is a need for facilitating play and distraction to reduce these emotions and alleviate the stress and anxiety caused by an intimidating and threatening experience.

Child Life Specialist.

Purpose Statement o This study aims to describe the efficacy of child life interventions during venipuncture procedures in children ages 3 to 16 years old to minimize negative emotions associated with this procedure and promote coping within a hospital environment. · Research Question(s) o Do Child Life interventions reduce pain, fear, and distress and improve coping skills in children during venipuncture? Literature Review (4-5 pages) · Identify theoretical framework o Piaget and Erikson both believe in the power of play and that children develop through several stages. Piaget views play as integral to cognitive and language development in children.

Child Life Specialist.

Erikson states that play is imperative for social and emotional development in children. Therefore, Child Life Specialist facilitated play interventions are vital to reducing negative emotions and enabling positive coping skills. · Identify literature related to this topic – what do we currently know in relation to this topic? o Virtual reality o Parent/comfort positioning o Therapeutic toys o Mindfulness o Medical play o Five child life interventions have positively impacted children during a venipuncture procedure. · Identifies a gap in the literature o Child life specialists continue to provide a more comfortable environment and a positive experience.

Child Life Specialist.

Child life specialists reduce negative emotions such as pain, fear, and distress and improve coping skills. Thus, patient and caregiver experience and satisfaction are improved. Methods (1/2 page) · Identify Research Design (i.e., quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods) o Mixed methods · Identify Participants o Parents/caregivers of typically developing children ages 3 to 12 years of age who speak English. Parents/caregivers of developmentally delayed and non-English speaking children would be excluded. · Identify how you plan to collect data (i.e., surveys, interviews, focus groups) o Surveys and observations.

Child Life Specialist.

Describe ethical considerations o Ethics committee approval for the study o Confidentiality o Anonymity o Written consent o Verbal assent from children Significance of Study (1 page) · What will this study contribute to the child life field? o This study will give insight into how a Child Life Specialists interventions can positively impact patient and caregiver experience during venipuncture. Child life specialists utilize developmentally appropriate play to promote successful coping. · How will it address the questions or gaps in scholarship that you identified in your literature review?

Child Life Specialist.

o These observations can change or improve clinical practice because there will be more of a need for Child Life Specialists as they continue to be an essential part of the multidisciplinary healthcare team. These observations can also change patient and family outcomes because caregivers will be more satisfied with the care received, and the children will be less fearful during future healthcare encounters. References · None needed. https://youtu.be/C8MajVxEN0I

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Professional Team And Teamwork. 2022 Best

Professional Team And Teamwork.

This paper focuses on inter professional team and teamwork. The role of the nursing team leader consists of overseeing a team of nurses. Nurse leaders focus on improving the quality of patient care, as well as improvements in the workplace for fellow nurses and other health care providers.

Professional Team And Teamwork.

Step # 2 Students need to respond to one peers’ initial posting and answer their peers’ postulated question and postulate a second peer postulated question to be answered in module 7 Ste # 3 Students need to respond to one peer’s second response posting and answer their peers’ second postulated question the student response: (initial posting) The role of the nursing team leader consists of overseeing a team of nurses. Nurse leaders focus on improving the quality of patient care, as well as improvements in the workplace for fellow nurses and other health care providers.

Professional Team And Teamwork.

The role of the registered nurse in the interprofessional healthcare team is a position that offers expertise in the area of nursing. The registered nurse can help with creating appropriate schedules centered around the clients needs between medical procedures and therapy sessions and identify patient need for referral to other disciplines. The RN provides direct patient care and aids in managing the client’s physical needs to prevent health issues and treat health conditions. The interprofessional team is comprised of all disciplines that are needed to implement quality care to a single patient. The team collaborates to meet the needs of the client based on their specific disciplines.

Professional Team And Teamwork.

This model helps to improve patient outcomes and utilizes a holistic approach to patient care. The interprofessional team for this client includes the nursing team leader, the LVN, UAP, medical residents, and pharmacists. Because there is conflict arising over the role of the nursing team leader role, as perceived by the medical residents, pharmacist, and physical therapist, all these members should be included. The LVN, and UAP should also be included, so they are able to gain understanding of their responsibilities, as well as the responsibilities of the RN to collaborate on ways that the client’s care can go smoother.

Professional Team And Teamwork.

The nurse leader possesses many roles and responsibilities, therefore delegation of tasks is essential so that the RN may contribute time to more skilled tasks, such as rounding with the pharmacist, and medical residents. Since performing blood glucose checks and administering insulin to 3 clients would require more time than administering a pain medication to one client, the RN should delegate these tasks. One task that the RN can delegate to the UAP would be performing blood glucose checks on the client and reporting the results to the LVN. It is within the scope of practice for the UAP to perform blood glucose finger sticks.

Professional Team And Teamwork.

One task that the RN could delegate to the LVN would be administering insulin to the clients. It is within the scope of practice of the LVN to administer subcutaneous insulin injections. Three items that should be addressed at the meeting includes, effective communication, clear definition of roles, and improving patient care. The nurse leader was unaware of that members of the interprofessional team perceived her as “abrupt” and “uncooperative”. Therefore, effective communication should be discussed to include proper communication with the nurse about concerns related to patient care.

Professional Team And Teamwork.

In addition to effective communication, clear definition of each team members roles can help the team understand responsibilities of each discipline. Also, the ultimate goal is to improve patient care, therefore the meeting should address how the situation could have been handled differently, and appropriately to improve the care of the patients. In this incident, rounds needed to be conducted, pain medication needed to be administered for a therapy session, and insulin and glucose monitoring needed to be performed before breakfast.

Professional Team And Teamwork.

If there is effective communication, clear role definition, and proper delegation of tasks, patient care can be greatly improved. An example of a conflict resolution involves the subject of role definition. The UAP refused to empty colostomy bag for a client with a colostomy. The colostomy has been In place for over a year, and the UAP insists that this task is specific to the nurse. After collaboration with the wound care nurse, DON, and charge nurse, roles were clearly defined and informed the UAP that this was within her scope of practice.  https://youtu.be/6zuFtWNFs_s

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