Tag Archives: Peripheral vision

Physical Education Reflex and Senses

Physical Education Reflex and Senses

For today’s assignment we will focus on physical education reflex and senses. Paper details: Things to Complete Reflex & Senses Lab – You will need some 2-inch pieces of paper or index cards, a paperclip, a cotton ball or similar light object, something similar to a tendon hammer (the example in the video is a tv remote).

Physical Education Reflex and Senses

Paper details: Things to Complete Reflex & Senses Lab – You will need some 2-inch pieces of paper or index cards, a paperclip, a cotton ball or similar light object, something similar to a tendon hammer (the example in the video is a tv remote). *If you do not have a ruler, you can print one out and use any long object — at the end of each trial in the lab, just measure where you caught from the bottom of the object. REFLEXES Blink reflex If you have a face shield laying around from COVID, this is a great time to bring it back out for this activity.

Physical Education Reflex and Senses

Put on the face shield and have a friend throw a cotton ball right at your face.  Even though you have the shield on, notice how difficult it is to keep yourself from blinking. If you don’t have a face shield, you can simply recreate the scenario from the video and use your hand. Patellar reflex This works best if your partner is sitting with their leg freely hanging from a bench (not touching the floor). Remember you are aiming for the patellar tendon, so feel for the bottom of the patella and aim below that.


Physical Education Reflex and Senses

It may help to distract the person by asking them to do a math problem or count backwards so they are not anticipating the force. SENSES Two-point discrimination Unfold a paperclip or bobby pin so there are two distinct end points. Have your partner close their eyes for this activity; they are just using their sense of touch to tell you whether you touched them with ONE point or TWO. You will touch your partner’s skin at various places and randomly change whether you touch them with one point or two.

Physical Education Reflex and Senses

Also change the distance between the two points in your hand to see if they can feel how many points are touching them when they are close together or far apart. Start with the two points close together and then slowly widen the space between them and retouch… see how far apart the two points need to be for them to be able to identify that there are two individual ends touching them. Which areas of the body seem to have the greatest density of receptors (meaning they can tell when there are one or two points with the most accuracy) VISION Blind spot.

Physical Education Reflex and Senses

On a piece of paper or an index card, draw a filled-in circle and a plus sign on opposite ends (about 4 inches apart) Hold the card out in front of you as far as your arm reaches. Whichever side the + is on is the eye you will keep open and test. Close the other eye and keep looking at the +. Slowly move the + towards you until the dot disappears. Keep moving and it will reappear once you move past the blind spot. This happens because there is a part of your retina that doesn’t have any photoreceptors because this is where the neurons head out of the eye by way of the optic nerve.

Physical Education Reflex and Senses

Peripheral vision Similar to above, hold two cards in front of you and focus on one while slowly rotating your shoulder to move the other card away from the center. Notice where you are (angle) when you can no longer distinguish what is on the card. This can be more fun by using various shapes and colors and even words. Generally, make your objects about 1 inch high. Have someone hand you one of the cards while your arm is out past your peripheral vision and slowly move it inwards until you can identify the elements. https://youtu.be/a54kUnbJHY8


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