Tag Archives: Sanctuaries and the Sacred
Ancient and modern worlds 2022 Best
For this assignment we will discuss the use of media by athletes and or coaches in the ancient and modern worlds and what influence it has on the development on their sports.
Ancient and modern worlds
Paper instructions: Papers should be double-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font with one inch margins. In-text citations should be in the following format: As Pedley says, ritual activities also took place in the Dark Ages (Pedley, Sanctuaries and the Sacred 114) As Potter argued, Pausanias’ account of the Olympic games is largely built out of early mythological texts. (Potter, Lecture 4 Sept. 2016) Ancient Texts Homer offers great insight into audience expectations about wrestling (Homer Iliad 23 in Miller, Arete, p. 9 ).
Ancient and modern worlds
Homer describes conflicts in the understanding of sport (no reference needed as this is a generalizing statement about a substantial section of the work) In Olympian 1, Pindar offers an edited version of the race between Pelops and Oenomaeus (Pindar. 1.86-89—reference needed because you are citing a specific phrase) Please use the book the victors crown by David potter as reference to all of your information and facts I need a good grade on this please don’t use any other reference as this professor will flag it as cheating if you do You need primary and secondary sources.
Ancient and modern worlds
Try to look at one or two things only. Think about what seems most important and argue that that is the most important thing. You can show that other things are important, but if you can relate them to that thing that you’re arguing about then it’s a strong argument. When you’re looking for primary sources: Pindar is key as it’s contemporary This is straight from the professor. https://youtu.be/TjesQPqM_yo
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