Tag Archives: teachers

Solar and wind power 2023 Best

Solar and wind power

Solar and wind power are being trumpeted by politicians, teachers, activists, and many in the news media as the environmentally correct ways to supply the energy needs of this country and as sources of energy that can (and must) replace fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil.

Solar and wind power

Solar and wind power are being trumpeted by politicians, teachers, activists, and many in the news media as the environmentally correct ways to supply the energy needs of this country and as sources of energy that can (and must) replace fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil. Solar and wind are seen as “clean” and viable alternatives to fossil fuels. However, there is another side. Let’s take a look at some writings (and a video) that take a skeptical view of solar and wind as viable solutions to the environmental problems caused by the use of fossil fuels.

Then, based on your reading of the sources below, in this essay, make a case that solar and wind are not viable short- or long-term options to meet America’s energy needs. https://youtu.be/xOYPz270R-c

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