Tag Archives: The Great Depression

Comparative book review 2022 Best

The aim of this assignment is to write a comparative book review : Read a nonfiction book about a topic in U.S. History from 1865 to the present and compare it to the class textbook. The book must be at least two hundred (200) pages in length.

Comparative book review

COMPARATIVE BOOK REVIEW: Read a nonfiction book about a topic in U.S. History from 1865 to the present and compare it to the class textbook. The book must be at least two hundred (200) pages in length. Books must be chosen from the booklist in the course’s CONTENT section, or alternate selections approved by the instructor. Alternate selections must be approved by the instructor. The principle limitation for such selections is that their content must be included in the textbook, also. Otherwise, there is no basis by which the authors’ versions of history can be compared. Reviews should be double-spaced with one-inch margins.

Comparative book review

They should be typed in number twelve (12) Times New Roman font with no gaps between paragraphs. The entire review should be double-spaced and three to five pages in length. Information at the top left corner of the first page should include the student’s name, the title and author of the book under review, the name of this course and the date the review is submitted. Book review format: 1. Use APA style. Provide proper citation for the book at the end of the review. 2. Compare at least five(5) issues discussed in both the book under review and the textbook.

Comparative book review

Discuss the similarities and/or differences in the authors’ works concerning significant issues (not trivia, such as differences in dates or names). Refer to authors. Be specific. Tell, directly, whether the authors agree or not and to what extent. Provide evidence to prove their agreement/disagreement. Evidence should be paraphrased descriptions of the authors’ works. Avoid direct quotes. Use all the authors’ full names upon first reference to them. Thereafter, last names are sufficient. In subsequent references multiple authors are referred to by the first author’s last name and et al. (and others), as in Goldfield, et al.

Comparative book review

Example: David Goldfield, Carl Abbott, Virginia DeJohn Anderson, Jo Ann Argersinger, Peter H. Argersinger, William L Barney, and Robert M Weir, the authors of The American Journey, report that President Johnson denounced the Fourteenth Amendment and took his message of sectional reconciliation on a tour of northern states during the congressional election of 1866. The authors say that the tone and manner of Johnson’s criticism of the Republican Congress offended many people and Republicans won greater than two-thirds majorities in the House and Senate. .

Comparative book review

Amanda Evans, the author of America’s Reconstruction, agrees. She maintains that the President traded insults with hecklers and embarrassed supporters by comparing himself to Christ and opponents to Judas. She also agrees that Republicans won a three-to-one majority in the next Congress and adds that as a result Southern Democrats soon faced more stringent terms for readmission to the Union. Example: Goldfield, et al., identify weaknesses in the U.S. economy as the principle cause of the Great Depression, and they cite the unequal distribution of wealth as the most damaging of those weaknesses.

Comparative book review

The authors report that by 1929 the richest .01 percent of American families received as much income as the 42 percent of families at the bottom of the income scale. That more than half of Americans lived at or below the subsistence level made the economy unsustainable. Most people were simply not able to buy what industry produced. . Simpson agrees that maldistribution of wealth was responsible for the economy’s failure to recover from the 1929 stock market crash and instead remain depressed for more than a decade.   https://youtu.be/ywCZu-d5OiY

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