Tag Archives: The Legal Research

Crimes against people 2022 Best

For this essay, you will focus on crimes against people. You will select one standard crime against persons such as assault; rape; kidnapping; battery; etc. Then research the elements that would need to be proven in court under English Common law ensuring that terms are defined.

Crimes against people.

For this essay, you will focus on crimes against people. You will select one standard crime against persons such as assault; rape; kidnapping; battery; etc. Then research the elements that would need to be proven in court under English Common law ensuring that terms are defined. Then you should research a state for its statute(s) for the same crime and explain the elements that need to be proven today. Lastly, you will compare and contrast English Common Law with the state statute(s).  In this part of the essay, you will be selecting a state criminal statute and researching the elements of the stature and the historical common law upon which the statute is based.

Crimes against people.

1. Rape -Select a state to research -Select a state statute to research the elements for the selected crime. The Legal Research link provides instructions in conducting research in locating state statutes. The Webliography area of the course and the McAfee online Library can be used as well along with any reliable criminal justice resource. -For the selected state, write a description of the elements of the current state statute for that crime -Research historical common law and write a description of the elements of the crime under based on historical common law. 2. Compare how the elements of the crime have changed from the historical common law to the current state statute.

Crimes against people.

3. Discuss possible reasons for the changes from the historical common law to the current state statute. 4. Suggest new changes in the statute, based on society’s needs today. Include specific examples from personal experience or current events. 5. Research requirements: 6. Include 3-4 sources other than the text book 7. Create in-text citations and reference page, using APA style: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. 8. Format Paper 9. Includes properly APA formatted title page, abstract, introduction, appropriate headings, and conclusion.

Crimes against people.

10. Includes properly formatted in-text citations and reference page, using APA style (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). Paper Outline 1. A Title Page 2. Abstract that summarizes the essay 3. Introduction (Started in Unit 1) 4. Description of the elements of the crime under historical common law 5. Description of the elements of the current state statute for that crime 6. Compare how the elements of the crime have changed from the historical common law to the current state statute 7. Discuss possible reasons for the changes (Started in Unit 2) 8. Suggest new changes in the statute, based on society’s needs today. Include specific examples from personal experience or current events. https://youtu.be/TPndY8bXaiM

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