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Ecological Systems Theory 2023 Best

First part introduction: American psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner formulated the Ecological Systems Theory to explain how social environments affect children’s development.

Ecological Systems Theory

First part introduction: American psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner formulated the Ecological Systems Theory to explain how social environments affect children’s development. This theory emphasizes the importance of studying children in multiple environments, known as ecological systems, in the attempt to understand their development. The Assignment: After reading our course material, Chapter 2, and reviewing the video on Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory complete the following: Select and research a “hot topic” in special education such as: Placement, Technology, The Name Game: (Controversies surrounding labels and categories of disabilities), Transition Plans, Early Interventions and Preventions, Funding…(these are only suggestions).

Ecological Systems Theory

Discuss your ” hot topic” with your classmates with an emphasis on how each level of the environment outlined in Bronfenbrenner’s theory may affect young children with special needs and their families. Make sure to include a minimum of two systems in your discussion: Example: Let’s say you find information about a cut in funding for special needs programs in North Carolina: https://www.ncforum.org/2018/in-north-carolina-funding-gaps-are-shortchanging-students-with-special-needs/ A discussion you might have that relates to Bronfenbrenners’ theory could be based on the exosysytem since these funding cuts effect the child’s development but the child has no control over school policy.

Ecological Systems Theory

Resources Text, Chapter 2 , pages 47-49 and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5htRhvm4iyI After answer the discuss board part you will have to reply to two other people agree or disagree and why? first Person :The hot topic I chose for discussion is “Teacher Licensure”. Across the country, there are shortages of teachers, especially special education teachers. There are many reasons for these shortages. These reasons include lower enrollments in teacher training programs for special education and an alarmingly high exit rate for these teachers. Since the shortage, there have been alternative licensure programs that have evolved.

Ecological Systems Theory

Some school districts have even started placing regular teachers in the special education classrooms due to the shortages. Due to this, provisional and conditional licensure has been provided to the newly hired teachers. From this shortage, people of different countries have argued that the special education degree should be done away with and implemented into the general education teaching degree. There are a few levels of environments that are affected by Bronfenbrenner’s theory, including mesosystems and the exosystem. The exosystem is when a setting does not include a person as an active participant but still affects the person.

Ecological Systems Theory

For example, constantly having new teachers due to shortages of special education teachers can affect the child more than we realize. Sometimes it can bring that child down by changing their routines or the people they see every day. With the mesosystem, it is the interaction between different parts of the person’s microsystem. In this case, teachers are affected, and schools are as well. With this shortage, some teachers are stuck doing two classes or even teaching a class they haven’t been trained in or don’t have the right education. Resources: Chapter 2, 47-49 and Urie Bronfenbrenner Ecological Theory – YouTube second person :The hot topic I chose was Placement.

Ecological Systems Theory

The number of children receiving special education have grown a lot in the last couple of years. Early childhood special education can take place in different settings, for example elementary school, head start , private preschools, and a child development center. Placement is important because “early childhood special education will serve a wide variety of young children in a diversity of settings” (pg.48.. Chapter 2: Interactive: An introduction to young children: Birth through age eight interactive eBook. ) It is important that parents an teachers have a clear understanding for special education services. There are many benefits of early childhood special education placement.

Ecological Systems Theory

First, kids are less likely to feel out of place, low teacher to student ratio, kids learn and interact with peers who also have challenges, and last there are resources and services offered to children, like occupational and speech therapy. After learning about Bronfenbrenner and his study on the four environments in which people develop, I choose mesosystems and exosystems for how placement played a role in each environment. “Mesosystems, relates to the relationships, at a particular point in a child’s life, between caregiver and teacher or physician as well as the interaction of one professional with another. The exosystem takes into consideration the various social structures that impact family functioning. https://youtu.be/g6pUQ4EDHeQ

Ecological Systems Theory

Early intervention programs as well as health/social service agencies are typical representatives of this third setting”. (pg. 47… Chapter 2: Interactive: An introduction to young children: Birth through age eight interactive eBook). Exosystems deals with the external support systems like social services, and schools. Mesosystems deal with intersystem relationships like homes-school relationships, professional-professional relationships and parent-professional relationships. References: www.operationautism.org/education/educational-settings/placement-options Chapter 2: Interactive: An introduction to young children:

Ecological Systems Theory

Birth through age eight interactive eBook. by Richard M Gargivlo, Jennifer L. Kilgo Second Part Develop a list of four to five general classroom rules. Be sure to emphasize types of behavior that are important to you and to the functioning of the classroom. Be sure your rules are stated in a positive manner and represent the desired behavior. After answer the discuss board part you will have to reply to two other people agree or disagree and why? first person reply to: Maintain Your Work Ethic and Always Try Your Best Building a strong work ethic in your students right from the beginning can help them increase their focus.

This rule talks about developing a positive work ethic in everything from how students participate in class to assignments.

Ecological Systems Theory

Listen and Follow Instructions This rule emphasizes the importance of respecting authority and always being responsive to instructions quickly. It’ll govern how learners stick to established routines and follow the teacher’s expectations. Respect the Teacher and Other Students Respect is an essential ingredient in all communications. Establishing respect towards other people sets the tone for how students interact with the teacher and other learners. Safety First: Keep Hands, Feet, and Objects to Yourself Instead of making rules that focus on what not to do, like “don’t hit others” and “don’t fight,” this rule focuses on what students can do to make sure everyone is safe.

Ecological Systems Theory

The type of behavior that will be displayed in the classroom by all students is that we will all show respect for the teacher, yourself and others at all times. Respect others’ property. Avoid touching or writing on anything that does not belong to you including desks, textbooks, teacher’s belongings, walls, chalkboard, etc. Don’t expect that others will clean-up your messes. second person to reply to:RULE 1. Respect and be polite to all people.

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