Tag Archives: US culture

Cultural profile assignment 2022 Best

Cultural profile assignment

In this cultural profile assignment we will focus on a family of choice. This is a critical reflection. Family background: What are the core values of your family and how are they similar or different from the core values of ‘mainstream’ US culture and ‘mainstream’ US schools?

Cultural profile assignment

Directions: Read the entire document before you begin writing. Respond to each group of questions in at least one paragraph. (The questions in parentheses are meant to facilitate thinking. You do not have to answer them directly.) In each response remember to discuss 1) your current identity, 2) how that identity was formed and 3) its long-term impact. You must consider how your experiences will shape your work as a teacher. Do not include any information that is private and that you do not wish to share. This is a critical reflection.

Family background: What are the core values of your family and how are they similar or different from the core values of ‘mainstream’ US culture and ‘mainstream’ US schools?

Cultural profile assignment

How were these family values taught? Explain the impact of these values on your world view, especially in the context of diversity, and why you will/not teach them to the next generation. Would you consider yourself to have grown up with values that would be considered “multicultural” by the authors of your class readings? (To facilitate reflection on family background think about what family norms just could not be violated. What issues might have caused a family feud? Examine common values of parents and grandparents.

If you had to give teachers advice on “how to deal with parents” such as yours, or home situations such as yours, what advice would you give?)

Cultural profile assignment

Gender: What did you learn about gender roles by living with your family? How have you internalized/ modified your gender role expectations over the years? How will your gender role expectations affect your relationships with friends, family, romantic partners, colleagues and/or students? How will your gender role identity impact how you would teach or advise future students or children? (Essentially this section addresses the question, “What does it mean to be a man/ woman in your perspective?” Think about the toys you played with, the games / recreational activities you engaged in, the household chores that you and your siblings undertook.

Cultural profile assignment

Is there anything that “a man or woman ought not to do” solely because of their gender? What privileges have you enjoyed or been denied because of your gender?) Sexual orientation: What explicit and implicit messages were you given about who are of a different sexual orientation than yourself? What attitudes about ‘straight’ vs. gay/lesbian persons have you internalized over the years, and how were those attitudes formed? How are you likely to respond to friends, colleagues, and especially students who are gay/ lesbian vs. those who are not? To what extent does knowing people of diverse sexual orientations impact your attitudes and biases?

Cultural profile assignment

(Think about what your parents said (or did not say) about gays/lesbians vs. ‘straights’. Were family friends representative of multiple sexual orientations? What images from the media about sexual orientation have you internalized? How do (would) you respond when (if) those around you engage in gay-bashing?) Remember:  The purpose of this cultural profile is to reflect on your life experiences, not to apologize for or eulogize them!  Try to be honest and think critically about your responses. https://youtu.be/VFYEsZqkTcM

Cultural profile assignment

Do not repeat yourself.  Label each response with the appropriate sub-title.  Your responses should be typed and double spaced. Proper mechanics of the English language should be followed (i.e. free of spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes). Points will be deducted for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.  Your grade will be determined by how adequately, critically, thoughtfully, and thoroughly you respond to all 10 sections (in at least one paragraph each)

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