Tag Archives: Windshield Survey

Telehealth mental health services. NUR499 2022 Best

This NUR499 assignment focuses on Telehealth mental health services. This is the final paper and an accumulation of previous ones you have written for me. I will attach them because they are needed to complete this project.

Telehealth mental health services.

Paper details: This is the final paper and an accumulation of previous ones you have written for me. I will attach them because they are needed to complete this project. And the topic I will be covering for the final class (NUR499) is: Telehealth mental health services. See assignment below: The purpose of this assignment is to present the culmination of all of your work and seek approval for your NUR499 plan. You will include: Assignment Details: 1. Windshield Survey: Include all components required for the previous Windshield survey assignment Ensure you are emphasizing findings related to culture

Telehealth mental health services.

2. Literature Review (original paper that u wrote is attached) Include at least five (5) References (credible and current within the last 5 years). Synthesize information from each of the five (5) sources to support your plan. 3, Projected Community Resources (Community Stakeholders) (Original paper that u wrote is attached) Develop a description of the projected community resources Include Stakeholder Contacts Establish a detailed plan for communications with the stakeholders Describe your proposed plan for NUR499 (Required 45 hours of interviews and presentations).

Telehealth mental health services.

Describe who you will meet with; when you will meet with the stakeholders to present your proposed solution to the health concern. The plan must be approved by the course faculty prior to progressing to NUR499. Present this assignment as a formal paper including: title page, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion, references. APA 7th edition- minimum of 5 scholarly resources no older than 2018. https://youtu.be/fqMZzMtvCiE

Attached Files


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