Abortion Care Act 2022.

This assignment involves writing a letter to the Legislator focusing on Abortion Care Act 2022. Paper details: Visit your state or national ANA website or other state/federal legislative site and search for CURRENT health care policy issues and bills.

 Abortion Care Act

Paper details: Visit your state or national ANA website or other state/federal legislative site and search for CURRENT health care policy issues and bills. Write a letter in the form of an email to your legislator, specific to a CURRENT piece of legislation and provide reasoning regarding how this issue will impact your ability to provide care to patients in your practice, your support or opposition for this issue, how this issue will impact health care, financing, etc. Determine if the issue should be directed to a state or federal legislator…this is to whom you should address your letter.

 Abortion Care Act

Be cognizant that if writing a Senator, you should be referencing a Senate bill or if writing a Congressperson, you should be referencing a House bill. This is the case for both federal as well as state legislators. The letter should include 3 facts to support your discussion. You state the resource such as “According to the CDC, …” APA format is not used–there should not be intext citations or a reference page. Simply state the source of the information with the fact. Refer to the Additional Resources in this Module on how to write a letter as well as tips for writing a letter in an email to a legislator.

 Abortion Care Act

Refer back to Module 4: Lecture Materials –Nursing Licensure and Regulation Please refer to the grading rubric ‘Letter to Legislator Grading Rubric’ as you write your letter. The rubric can be found in the syllabus. The position of the author was made crystal clear. There were at least three solid facts with the source identified that supported the author’s position. The letter would exceed the interests of the legislator. The bill is a current bill, the bill is a piece of legislation that the legislator can take action or vote on, constituency was identified, and the impact of the bill is well detailed It was unambiguous as to why a nurse’s viewpoint was worth listening to on this issue.

 Abortion Care Act

The letter was compelling and memorable. The information included was relevant and detailed to the bill and useful to the legislator. Proper letter format with salutation to appropriate legislator with no spelling or grammatical errors. **Please put the URL/Link to the bill from the website you used to identify the bill in a comment for this assignment. This will allow your faculty to verify that the bill is current and identify the appropriate legislator. The Abortion Care Act of 2022. https://youtu.be/KHDbQ2ZtBC0

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