Substance Abuse-Addiction Counseling
Addiction Counseling
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has included workforce development in its Matrix of Priority Programs. A major focus of this workforce development strategy is improving the competencies of professionals in the field. This updated edition of Technical Assistance Publication (TAP) 21: Addiction Counseling Competencies: The Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Professional Practice (The Competencies) is a key component of that strategy. Procedure: Write a draft and final copy of a research paper in APA format covering the issues and complications associated with treatment for co-occurring disorders. Your paper should contain (and will be evaluated on) on your discussion of the following topics: Discuss why TAP 21 developed.
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Discuss who was responsible for the development of TAP 21; Discuss the Practice Dimensions found in TAP 21; Your Thoughts and Reflections on the Subject; Proper Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling. You must include at least 3 references. You must properly cite and reference your research material—please be aware that if you use ideas or information from a secondary source that you MUST give proper credit to that source. Failure to do so is plagiarism. Deliverables A two-to three -page (500-750-word) essay Assignment Details Perform the following tasks: Step 1: Conduct research. Using the online library (Google Scholar) locate an at least one journal and one article (two-to–three pages in length) that takes a stand on your argumentative research topic.
Then, locate a second article or journal that takes the opposite or a different stance on your topic on substance abuse. In other words, you need to find at least three sources about the same topic that disagree with each other. Be sure to select articles that are from reputable sources such as news magazines or scholarly journals. Step 2: Summarize each article. Summarize what you learned from the article addressing one side of the issue. Be sure to cite the article used in this assignment according to APA style. Then, summarize what you learned from the article addressing the opposite or a different side of the issue. Be sure to cite the article used in this assignment according to APA style. Your summaries should be neutral; that is, your opinion on the topic should not be evident in either summary.
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