Advocacy for health policy. 2022 Best
The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to engage in evidence-based advocacy for health policy. The major objectives of this assignment are for students to: 1) recognize the impact nurses can have on health policy;
Advocacy for health policy.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to engage in evidence-based advocacy for health policy. The major objectives of this assignment are for students to: 1) recognize the impact nurses can have on health policy; 2) learn about translating research evidence into action; 3) develop your skills in preparing a message for a target audience of stakeholders; and 4) refine your skills for working with peers. Using the evidence from your final EBP paper, develop a PowerPoint® presentation to present to a group of stakeholders for policy development or policy change to address the quality indicator you selected at the beginning of the term.
Advocacy for health policy.
In your presentation you will need to: 1) Make a case for your recommendations about policy development or policy change using the research evidence you have located for your EBP final paper. If the evidence does not support a policy change, present a case for NOT making a change and conducting further research. AND 2) Use the guidelines for the “art of advocacy” described in the Friedlaender and Winston (2004) article to make your case. *This assignment is not simply to turn your final paper into a presentation. It is about presenting a persuasive case that advocates for a health policy using research evidence.
Advocacy for health policy.
Be sure to follow the elements of the presentation as below. *Guidelines (15 slides excluding the title slide and reference slide- Presentation= 8-10 minutes): • Review the articles on health policy on the Canvas site. • Based on the “art of advocacy” discussion in the Friedlaender and Winston (2004) article and the research evidence you have reviewed, present a persuasive case for your team’s recommendations about policy development or policy change to stakeholders at your health care facility.
The presentation should include: 1. Briefly explain why this problem is important. Why do you support developing or changing a policy related to your quality indicator area (or why not)?
Advocacy for health policy.
2. Describe what change in policy is suggested by the evidence you have located. If no policy change is supported by the evidence, what does the evidence support should be done? How does this issue affect your stakeholders? (Art of advocacy element= Evidence that is appropriate for your audience) 3. Describe for your stakeholders their role in affecting policy change. Suggest reasonable goals for the policy development or policy change based on the interests of the stakeholders and the evidence you have located. (Art of advocacy element= Action that is realistic for your audience).
Advocacy for health policy.
Be sure to identify the group of stakeholders that you have targeted for this presentation in your introduction. *To whom are you pitching this presentation for policy change? • Be creative in your presentation of ideas. Don’t write a paper on the slides, and don’t describe all of the studies in detail. The presentation is about advocating for policy, so very briefly summarize the evidence that supports (or does not support) that.
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