American acting as the global policeman 2022 Best

This paper explores American acting as the global policeman: How did this happen? What does this mean for the future? The introduction must explain your research question, presents the dependent variable, and state the significance of the dependent variable.

American acting as the global policeman

What does this mean for the future? Paper details: This draft must include the paper’s introduction, literature review, model and methodology. The introduction must explain your research question, presents the dependent variable, and state the significance of the dependent variable. The literature review must synthesize an overview of previous literature that sought to answer or provide insight into the subject of your research question. This review should note the strengths and weaknesses of past work.

American acting as the global policeman

The model and methodology sections must explain the causal logic you believe affects the likely expression of the dependent variable and how you will evaluate the efficacy of your model. Students must complete a scholarly paper on international relations. The precise topic is up to you. But, the topic and research question must be approved by the instructor (this is meant primarily to check that the topic is ‘doable’ in a single semester, students are welcome to use office hours to brainstorm ideas). The paper must demonstrate substantive knowledge and that the student has master the skills of a political scientist.

American acting as the global policeman

Papers must be meticulously researched, theoretically informed, and empirically based. They must also offer a causal argument that explains an observed (or observable outcome). Papers must be between 6,000 and 7,000 words. They must use no fewer than fifteen scholarly sources. Papers must employ a bottom-line-up-front framework and an introduction that clearly communicates the research question, dependent variable, significance of the depend variable, and explanatory variable(s). Papers must include a literature review.

American acting as the global policeman

They must also explain (read justify) the model and methodology used. Papers must also explain (read justify) the cases/evidence selected. The core of the paper is a clear, causal argument. That is the objective. Papers must present a conclusion that reflects on the research question, how well the argument presented addresses it, and notes logical lines of further inquiry. Finally, papers must include properly formatted works cited section.

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