Annotated Outline- Current Events Policy Paper

Annotated Outline

Annotated Outline for Current Events Paper Instructions and Rubric Due Sunday of Week 4 (150 points)Instructions:**Be sure to review the rubric associated with this assignment in its entirety for grading criteria. The Annotated Outline for the Current Events Policy Paper is due Sunday of week 4 and includes submitting a document that is drafted in the form of an annotated outline. An annotated outline includes annotations of paragraphs, sections, levels of headings, and sources being used, etc. to demonstrate effective organization of ideas. Additionally review the Current Events Policy Paper instructions and rubric in its entirety to better craft content ideas for your annotated outline including word count and other content requirements. Consequently start with a basic outline of your Current Events Policy Paper. Make this outline as close to final form as possible.

The outline is the foundation of the paper—the basic framework on which you hang your ideas. Therefore the annotations indicate the content level of each section and the substance of the paper’s argument. Keep the outline simple. It should also look—roughly—like a table of contents with abstracts underneath each major heading. Keep the headings proportioned at the same level throughout the paper. Each heading should express the main idea of that section with perspicuity. The annotated outline is not the place for details. Keep the annotations brief and directly stated, at a level of generalization that summarizes the entire section. Discuss the main idea—the major contribution—of each section, not the details.

Further Description

The annotations should also reveal an orderly movement of thought from introduction to conclusion. The reader should immediately recognize a relationship between the sections. For each heading, use a topic sentence that directly expresses the main idea of the section. Your annotations must be directly related to this topic sentence—do not ramble about the details of the section, but rather elaborate on the section’s main idea. The annotations should contain roughly three to six sentences under each heading—enough to give the reader a clear idea of each section’s contents, and no more.

*Tip – there are many examples of outlines on the internet. Be sure to review some examples in assisting with crafting your document. Below is one such example: Example of Annotated Outline Remember—the annotated outline should help you conceptualize the larger paper and make timely progress toward the paper’s completion. Adapted from: Annotated Outline Directions

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