Essay – Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Essay – Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

 Dr. Miller-Thayer Discussion Board Postings Directions–On Line Course DB Posts and Responses. You will participate in 3 discussion board (DBs) posts (see module introductions and syllabus schedules for due dates). You will post an original document discussing and exploring what you have learned in the lecture materials. Exercises, videos and the readings from this course. Additionally, you will respond to two of your classmate’s essay posts. A prompt will be provided to help you ponder the important information in the modules, so see the link in the module for this information. It is recommended that you follow the prompt to help you earn as many points as possible. However, you do not need to answer every question that is there, you can choose whichever ones are interesting to you.

Further Description

You can also choose other topics. Use these prompts to help you study for your tests as well. Module Essay Posts: Each of the Module Essay Posts are worth up to 20points. The post must be at least 3-4 paragraphs long (a paragraph is 5 or more sentences with substance) but no longer than 2 pages with correct spelling and grammar. Keep in mind that shorter posts may earn less points due to lower effort in the assignment. You must post your module discussion board by midnight on the due date listed in the module introduction and syllabus schedule. These maybe turned in early but are not accepted late and may not be made up (with some case by case exceptions, but you must email me before the deadline for this consideration and it should not be a recurring issue).

These are worth 20points each for a total of 60 points of your final grade. Excessive grammar and spelling errors will cost you points; it is important to convey your ideas as clearly as you can and correct grammar and spelling will help you do this. If you need help with grammar and/or writing in general, please go to the writing center. These postings should be single spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins and include your name and date on the top. Write your essay in a document program like Word and then copy and paste it into the Canvas text box–Do NOT attach it as an attachment or it will not be graded. You will be given prompts with ideas on what to include from the module using the readings, videos. Exercises and SCL lecture notes to show what you learned in that module.

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