Applying Cyber Threat Intelligence 2023 Best

Assignment 2  focuses on applying Cyber Threat Intelligence – Part 1 This assignment will require you to submit a word document and a PowerPoint slide. For this assignment, we will build the profile of the APT group, identifying likely related personas, victims, infrastructure, tools, etc.

Applying Cyber Threat Intelligence.

Assignment 2 – Applying Cyber Threat Intelligence – Part 1 This assignment will require you to submit a word document and a PowerPoint slide. For this assignment, we will build the profile of the APT group, identifying likely related personas, victims, infrastructure, tools, etc. using the Diamond model and then also map the group’s tools, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to the Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain stages. You will use the same APT group from the discussion board assignment for both the word document and the PowerPoint. I want you to express information about the APT group in both a narrative and briefing format.

Applying Cyber Threat Intelligence.

This assignment will require you to use several (at least 3) industry reports on the APT group you chose from multiple vendors. Include citations in each of the deliverables and the specific page number where the information can be found. I’ve found that annotations such a [1], [2], etc. and then a final works cited slide that includes the report name and page number have worked well for past students. Note: Points will be deducted for using sources that are not full APT reports, i.e. news reporting website summaries of the full vendor reports, so make sure you choose an APT has has full vendor reports.

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