Applying Sociological Thought. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will focus on applying Sociological Thought. Instructions: Choose a current event that, given the ideas you’ve learned in this class, you think might benefit from being looked at in sociological perspective.

Applying Sociological Thought.

Applying Sociological Thought. Choose a current event that, given the ideas you’ve learned in this class, you think might benefit from being looked at in sociological perspective. Prepare a report discussing the following: What about this event do you believe is sociologically relevant? Why could it benefit from being understood through a sociological lens? What assumptions do people make about it that sociology can inform (or change)? What does sociology bring to the table that differs from people’s everyday social and cultural assumptions?

Applying Sociological Thought.

Apply at least one sociological theory to the event. In doing so, discuss how you think this theory would interpret the event. You can use any appropriate sociological theory of which you have knowledge, but you may want to choose from the broad theoretical perspectives you’ve encountered in this course: Structural-functionalism, Symbolic interactionism, Conflict theory, Role theory, Structural-strain theory, Labeling theory,  Social constructionism and Dramaturgical theory.

Applying Sociological Thought.

Apply at least one of the sociological concepts you have learned in your weekly lessons to the event. In doing so, discuss how you see this concept appearing in the event. Please choose from the following list: Social structure Power and authority (counts as one) Culture Socialization Deviance Social identity Presentation of self/interaction ritual Social change/social movements.

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