Big Dish – Descriptive Essay
Big Dish
The final project includes using key concepts learned this semester and applying it to the event of your choice (based on the selections provided). The project should be 10-15 pages, double space, normal margins, 11 point font. This should be formatted as a paper rather than bullet point format. If exhibits are needed they should be added at the end. Please do not forget to include references. CSHSPMG 4600 – Final Project Guidelines Introduce event (Big Dish, Hospitality Listens, CMN Torch Relay, Dining in Dark, Hospitality Management Job and Career Fair)1. Firstly provide Event Name and Tagline. Secondly articulate purpose of event. Thirdly state event goals. In addition provide overview of guests including their needs, special considerations and the main value proposition for their participation. Consequently identify and provide an overview of ecosystem and stakeholders6.
Further what does success look like and how will it be measured? Welcome to Greener Event Leadership and Economic Success1. Time, Technology, Human Resources, Talent2. Identify the purpose of your event3. The Three Constants in Event Leadership … address how change, creativity and innovation will be incorporated into your event to enable it to grow from previous years in meaningful ways.4. Identify key pillars of competitiveness for your event composting the Sustainable Event Plan1. What is your theme and why?2. Provide an overview and specifics of how this event will touch on the five senses (Five-Card Draw)3. Share plans for décor, entertainment, menu, etc.4. Create two event timelines:1. Planning timeline2. Day of event timeline5. Establish and design event flow prior to event (i.e. – pre-function), during event, post-event function.
Further Description
Consider how many tables are needed, if a podium and stage is needed, etc. Financial Sustainability1. Articulate classification (profit or surplus, break-even, loss-leader) and Identify financial goals of this event.2. Create budget1. Revenue – be specific (i.e. – if tables are sold at $1K then identify # of tables and costs for each with overall budget)2. Expenses – list all expenses and consider all aspects and costs of strategic partners. What are the costs of this event regardless of attendance? What are variables?3. Profit – what has budgeted profit and is it realistic?3. Identify sustainable funding sources Vendors as Strategic Partners1. What vendors will you need for your event? What are your top choices and why? Venue Catering Audio Visual Design, furniture, etc. Entertainment Parking Other2.
Create a timeline specifically to coordi anate strategic partners, volunteers, etc. This should start with when the first item or person will arrive on site for set up and will end when the last person and item leave the venue. Please note: when selecting a venue you will need to determine if they require certain vendors (i.e. – The Ohio Union requires University Catering to serve as the caterer for big dish; Greater Columbus Convention Center’s exclusive caterer is Levy and their exclusive AV Partner is Mills James).Marketing To begin with identify and address information needed from market research. Then, articulate plan for conducting market research and include a survey of questions that one needs to ask and what information it is capturing. Secondly what are five P’s for this event?. Thirdly identify internal and external stakeholders and address marketing efforts for each.
Additional Information
4. Create an invitation for your event and ensure necessary details are on the invitation5. Identify possible sponsors to help financially sustain this event and create a summary of a “pitch” to garner their support. This should include a capability statement about your organization’s resources, testimonials and references from other sponsors (if applicable) and description of the benefits and features that the sponsor will receive.6. Identify sponsors and address how you will promote these sponsors to add the most value. Do not forget about any expenses and ensure those are address in your budget.7. How will technology be leveraged to promote your event?8. How will social media be leveraged?
Please share an example of one promotional post. Creating a Safer Environment. Firstly identify key liabilities and how to mitigate risks. Secondly determine and articulate necessary permits, licenses, etc. that will be needed for your event. Thirdly consider guests with special needs and strategize how inclusiveness will be embodied and executed within your event. Finally identify potential ethical problems in big dish and how they will be avoided.
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