Blue-Collar Brilliance Reaction Essay 2022
This assignment entails writing a Blue-Collar Brilliance Reaction Essay. In “Blue-Collar Brilliance,” Mike Rose argues that intelligence for most people is equated with higher education and most people believe that people with less schooling in blue-collar or service jobs are less intelligent.
Blue-Collar Brilliance Reaction Essay.
English 110 Rose Reaction Essay. Assignment Essay Draft#1 Due: October 3, 2022 Write a two-to-three-page essay in response to the following topic. Your essay should be typed in size 12 font and double spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides. In the upper left hand of the first page, write your name, English 110 D11, the date and Essay Draft 1. 1. In “Blue-Collar Brilliance,” Mike Rose argues that intelligence for most people is equated with higher education and most people believe that people with less schooling in blue-collar or service jobs are less intelligent.
Discuss how the lack of formal education does not necessarily mean that people are less intelligent but may have or develop other talents, abilities, and intelligence.
Blue-Collar Brilliance Reaction Essay.
Do you agree with Rose that “generalizations about intelligence, work, and social class deeply affect our assumptions about ourselves and each other, guiding the ways we use our minds to learn, build knowledge, solve problems, and make our way through the world?” (2). What does Rose state is the solution or model to counter these assumptions (his thesis)? Include evidence from Rose’s reading in your discussion. Introduction: In your introduction state your topic. State the title, author, and thesis of Mike Rose’s article in your summary (see Step 1 Key Subpoints).
Blue-Collar Brilliance Reaction Essay.
Discuss the specific question or problem that he presents about assumptions most people make about intelligence, work, and social classes. A thesis is not a general sentence; it is a specific statement a writer makes about the topic. Next: Type three body paragraphs from subpoints summary of Rose’s article. Develop each paragraph of the three points (refer to pre-writing as guide). Include an example, fact, or important point from Rose to support your discussion. Anytime you use the exact words from the reading, you must use quotation marks.
Blue-Collar Brilliance Reaction Essay.
Anytime you quote, paraphrase, or summarize, you must refer to the author by his or her last name and include parenthetical citation – a parenthesis at end of sentence with page number the information can be easily located. Final paragraphs. Introduce your own viewpoint or thesis about Rose’s argument –from Pre-writing step 3. Include topic sentences are supported by evidence from the reading. Make sure that you support your ideas by a direct quote or paraphrase from the reading. Always include parenthetical citation whether it is a direct quote, summary, or paraphrase from text.
In addition, you may include evidence from your own experiences and observations in your discussion but it must be relevant to point from Rose.
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