Challenges faced by women. 2022 Best
This assignment entails writing a thesis-driven essay which explores challenges faced by women. Basic Essay Structure Introduction Mention the name of the authors and titles if you are writing about a text Create a thesis statement your assertion about the works which you will prove using evidence from the texts a thesis may be argumentative
Challenges faced by women.
Choose one or two of the works that you have read, listened to, or watched to date. Write a thesis-driven essay of 750-1000 words (double spaced). You may choose to write about a theme such as the use of religion or the unique challenges for enslaved women. You may focus on how a piece of writing may have been used as an abolitionist tool. You may want to write about the way in which an argument has been constructed in writing or orally. writing Guidelines and MLA Style Content and composition are equally important.
Challenges faced by women.
College papers use formal language, so omit slang such as the term a lot personal references such as I or vague references such as it or you. Eliminate obvious statements such as: I will discuss… or This essay will show… Basic Essay Structure Introduction Mention the name of the authors and titles if you are writing about a text Create a thesis statement your assertion about the works which you will prove using evidence from the texts a thesis may be argumentative or informative is expressed in a complete thought sentence is not too specific and not too general is expressed concisely, assertively and logically.
Challenges faced by women.
The thesis is not a question. Introductions should be longer than one sentence; in other words, the thesis itself is not your introduction. While the thesis may be located in different places in some essays, your thesis should be the last sentence of your introduction. Body Develop topic sentences main ideas for your paragraphs; just as thesis statements are main ideas for your essays. Offer primary support details support the thesis or secondary support details which expand on primary support); support should show, explain, or prove. Integrate and provide context for quotes and examples. Document quotations appropriately if you are quoting from a source by using intext citations.
Challenges faced by women.
Conclusion Echo and stress the importance of the main idea of the essay. Make a prediction or end with a question, an anecdote, or a quote. Works Cited List or Bibliography If you are citing from primary or secondary sources, list all cited sources on a works cited list. If you are using information from primary or secondary sources, but you are not quoting directly from those sources, list all sources on a bibliography. An essay is not complete without documentation. The use of direct quotes without in-text citations or without a works cited list is a form of plagiarism. Provide proper documentation.
Challenges faced by women.
Formatting . Create a one-inch margin on each side and a half-inch margin on the top and at the bottom of your document standard format on a computer. 2. Double space. 3. Write your name, the date, your instructor’s name, the course title, and the name of the assignment in the upper left-hand corner of the first page of your paper. 4. Place one line space between the title and the beginning of your essay. 5. Indent paragraphs-tab or five spaces. 5. Use page numbers preceded by your last name on each page. (ex. Smith 1, Smith 2) 6. Use a 12-point Times New Roman or Garamond. 7. Create a title for everything you write.
Challenges faced by women.
Your title should indicate your perspective. Center the title at the top of your page, one space below your heading. 8. Do not use a cover sheet/title page. Editing & Proofreading 1. Re-read everything you write asking yourself if someone else would understand your points. 2. Pay attention to subject-verb agreement, fused sentences, comma splices, fragments, pronoun usage, dangling and misplaced modifiers, parallelism, clarity, shifts in tense and person, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
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