Child Behavioral checklist scores 2022 Best
This paper focuses on the following research Question: Do child Behavioral checklist scores as rated by their teachers in the fall differ across four Total Protective Factors levels in the fall?
Child Behavioral checklist scores
Psych Stats Methods Lab 4: Oneway ANOVA and Post Hoc Tests Learning Objectives: · Oneway ANOVA with Levene Test for Homogeneity of Variance · Post Hoc Tests Demonstration and Practice This dataset is similar to the one you used for Pre-Lab 5. Research Question: Do children’s Behavioral Concerns scores as rated by their teachers in the fall differ across four Total Protective Factors levels in the fall? Protective factors are social-emotional capacities that support children in times of stress, such as poverty, neighborhood violence, drug use, marital discord, etc.
Child Behavioral checklist scores
Children with higher levels of these protective factors are expected to fare better in preschool and demonstrate lower levels of behavioral challenges than children whose protective factor levels are lower. The DECA Total Protective Factors score (TPF_T1)for each child as rated by their teachers at Time 1 (fall) is the sum of their Initiative, Self-control, and Attachment scores as rated by their teachers at Time 1. In order to differentiate children’s protective factor levels (TPF_T1_Level) for this lab, I recoded their TPF_T1 scores into four TPF_T1_Level categories as follows:
1. TPF_T1 scores from 15 – 55: These are the children whose protective factors, overall, are in the lowest quartile.
Child Behavioral checklist scores
We would expect them to have higher levels of behavioral challenges as assessed with the Behavioral Concerns scale. 2. TPF_T1 scores from 55.1 – 67: These are the children whose protective factors, overall, are in the second quartile. These children are in the lower half of ‘typical’ levels of behavioral challenges as assessed with the behavioral concerns scale. 3. TPF_T1 scores from 67.1 – 75: these are the children whose protective factors, overall, are in the third quartile. These children are in the upper half of ‘typical’ levels of behavioral challenges as assessed with the behavioral concerns scale.
Child Behavioral checklist scores
4. TPF_T1 scores from 75.1 –107: these are the children whose protective factors, overall, are in the highest quartile. We expect them to have the lowest levels of behavioral challenges as assessed with behavioral concerns, play disruption and play disconnection scales. · The dependent variable (DV): Fall Teacher ratings of Behavioral Concerns · The independent variable (IV): TPF_T1_LEVEL (described above) Lab 4 p. 2 This research question requires us to run a Oneway Analysis of Variance (Oneway ANOVA) for the DV identified above.
This sample of 147 children is not a random sample of all children in the study; we cannot assume that these findings are representative of the full sample.
Child Behavioral checklist scores
Open the dataset: LAB 4 DEMONSTRATION DATA.SAV 1) State our null and alternative hypotheses: The subscripts of μ refer to the TPF_T1_Level code. We have some specific alternative hypotheses: we expect that the lowest TPF group will have more behavioral challenges than the 2nd lowest group. We expect the middel two groups (2 and 3) to have similar levels of behavioral challenges. And, we expect that the middle groups and the lowest group to have more behavioral challenges than the highest TPF group.
H0: μ1 = μ2 = μ3 = μ4 There are no total protective factors differences in behavioral concerns as rated by teachers in the fall.
Child Behavioral checklist scores
H1: μ1 > μ2 ≈ μ3 > μ4 There are total protective factors differences in behavioral concerns as rated by teachers in the fall. 2) Identify criteria for rejecting H0: a) α = .05 b) dfBetween = k-1 = 4-1 = 3; dfWithin = N-k = 147-4 = 143; use critical F(3, 125)1 = 2.68 3) Obtain statistics needed for null hypothesis test: a) Analyze, Compare Means, One-way ANOVA: b) Select the dependent variable and independent variable. c) Check the box for effect size to get η2. d) Select options for Descriptive, HOV test, and Means plot. i) Check the Descriptive option for the M, s, and n of the DV for each of the Total Protective Factor levels.
Child Behavioral checklist scores
ii) Check the Homogeneity of variance test option for the Levene test. iii) Check the Means plot option for a graph of the means. 1 F(3,143) not in our table. Lab 4 p. 3 iv) Click Continue. v) Before clicking OK to run the ANOVA, select the Post Hoc option: 4) The Oneway ANOVA omnibus F test is used to find out if any of the sample means are different from any of the others. If the result of this test is signficant, we need to follow up with Post Hoc tests to see which means are significantly different from which others.
a) Check the box for the Tukey test. This is the Tukey HSD test described in the ANOVA lecture.
Child Behavioral checklist scores
b) We will see whether the pattern of significant differences is consistent with our alternative hypotheses about differences in the means for Behavioral Concerns across the four Total Protective Factors levels. c) Click Continue, then Ok to run the Oneway ANOVA. 5) Begin by looking at the descriptive statistics: Total Protective Factors Quartile (TPF Level) You can ignore the contents of this section. Lab 4 p. 4 a) Note sample size and mean ratings for each Total Protective Factors level:
i) We can see that children in TPF Level Q1 have the highest mean Behavioral Concerns.
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